Rob Rogers for January 18, 2024

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    john_chubb  5 months ago

    Trump will be the utter end to the Republican party.

    It is in it’s death spiral right now.

    This next election cycle will see one-party-rule by default. The Democrats will win back the House, maintain the Senate, and win 4 more years in the White House.

    Remember that big RED WAVE we were supposed to see in 2022? The pink splash is ebbing back now – their “majority” has shrunk to 3 members.

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    Walter Kocker Premium Member 5 months ago

    Lawrence Martin (Globe & Mail) has an interesting take on Iowa:

    “Mr. Trump’s victory in Iowa and his easy march to the nomination is all the more impressive and stunning when you consider his track record since losing the 2020 election. He has piled up embarrassment upon embarrassment – the Jan. 6 insurrection, multiple felony charges, the sexual-abuse liability finding, the 2022 midterms failure, etc. – and yet all it has done is strengthen him with the party base. He continues to defy logic. The more sordid his deeds, the more popular among Republicans he becomes.

    To be emphasized here is that the appeal is pretty much limited to his paleo-conservative base, which includes the least educated segment of the American population, a tranche that his demagoguery and lies prey upon. While his base is large and renders him pack-animal loyalty, it has not been big enough to score any impressive wins for the party since 2016."

    Paleo-conservative, eh?

    That’s just being polite.

    I prefer “American Hosers.”

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    GiantShetlandPony  5 months ago

    Reagan wasn’t all that great. However, he was what the lobbying forces wanted, a President that no longer had his full mental capacities, so he was easier to manipulate. OK, they still had to attempt to assassinate him once, to keep him in line.

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    willie_mctell  5 months ago

    The party of Regan had a light coat of polyurethane. Trump stripped it off. It was the same as always underneath.

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  5. Curious cat
    Curiosity Premium Member 5 months ago

    The true Republican Party no longer exists. Not even the unfortunate aberation that was associated with Reagen, who was a nice guy but incompetant and let in the evangelicals as a way to win. Unfortunately it got worse starting with Gengrich, a Lot worse, and now bears no resemblance to anything that fits with the American system. Don’t get me wrong, this country has a very mixed heritage going back to the characteristics and motivations of the original invaders/colonists/settlers, with a very wide range of acceptability by modern standards. One thing that is happening now is that some of the not-so-good ones have become dominant in the MAGA movement.

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    banjoAhhh!   5 months ago

    Reagan was the happy start of all of this. He happily led the Republic into fascism.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member 5 months ago

    You know who most modern Republicans would despise? Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, Dwight Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater, George H. W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. And they’re none too sure about Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush (who, right after 9/11, was the most popular president since JFK got shot).

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    jvscanlan Premium Member 5 months ago

    Don’t forget what a failure the Reagan Administration was.

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    MC4802 Premium Member 5 months ago

    How long before Mike Johnson is given the boot?

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