Michael Ramirez for July 20, 2021

  1. Question 63916 960 720
    knutdl  almost 3 years ago

    First hurdle?

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  2. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    I Mr. R saying people should get vaccinated? He’s going to lose a lot of fans.

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  3. Missing large
    Gen.Flashman  almost 3 years ago

    Get vaccinated??? And have government microchips injected into my body? No thanks! (20% of Americans believe this thanks to republicans)

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  4. Bbb
    NeoconMan  almost 3 years ago

    Yay, more and more Americans are catching the virus and dying. We win; we own the Libs. Take THAT, Biden.

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    Iseau  almost 3 years ago

    Very sad but probably inevitable given the track record (no pun intended) of the COVID-19 virus and increased variants. With the number of participants not participating increasing daily these games are no longer competition to find the best athlete in a class but to find the best athlete still competing. This Olympics should have been postponed until this virus threat is under control. A spectator sports event with no spectators and no real Olympian test to find the best. Again SAD.

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  6. 25797822 7d55 450a a6d7 9c79e5dcc016
    Iseau  almost 3 years ago

    This cartoon is not about Republicans not getting vaccinated or chips in your arms or Americans dying as some of the preceding commenters are stupidly trying to point out. I think it clearly states that these games should have been canceled. Right or left bashing is not the issue here. It’s the health and well-being of the world’s athletes.

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    thomaspryan  almost 3 years ago

    Trump is at fault. Somehow.

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  8. Screenshot 2024 02 05 at 6.32.06 pm
    librarylady59  almost 3 years ago

    How very odd. Trump folks don’t believe Covid 19 is all that deadly thus refusing vaccination. Yet here is a man who, in his cartoon, “screams” Covid is a killer. Hmmm…

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    jhayesd31  almost 3 years ago

    Vaccinations? Have you gotten this approved by Fox News? How about DeSantis? they are DEAD set against vaccinations for the great unwashed masses. They however are all vaccinated.

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  10. Picture
    ChristopherBurns  almost 3 years ago

    According to the Olympic Committee, the show must go on.

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  11. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Which side are you on, Ramirez?

    Are you a strong American conservative?

    Or are you a MAGAite?

    You can’t be both.

    Use your position. Use your voice. Stand up for American democracy and speak out against Trump and his cult. The guy is destroying us.

    Do you have to support the Democrats? No. But you MUST, finally, oppose Trump.

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  12. 25797822 7d55 450a a6d7 9c79e5dcc016
    Iseau  almost 3 years ago

    To Durak and friends: Is President Trump pictured anywhere in this cartoon? I see Tokyo, Japan, Olympics, vaccine, a fallen Olympian. Please address the situation portrayed , The Olympics and the failure of the Olympic committee and the competing countries to address the COVID-19 virus and the consequences of not postponing or canceling the games. If you want to blame a President why not the current President of the USA.

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  13. Frank
    Frankfreak  almost 3 years ago

    ^#45 threw out the plans for detecting and reacting to disease which could develop into a pandemic. He also removed the people who were in a position to observe and react to a disease. Then he ignored the information when a disease was observed, failing to works with other world leaders and limiting the spread of the disease. (Others should have had programs in place for such a situation, but the USA, over several administrations had taken the lead in this and it was the failure of #45 that caused much of the resulting death, economic slowdown and disruption) {Need I go on?}

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  14. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Hey people, get off your political soap boxes Anti-vaxxers are across the all spectrums of the population. What we need is to get a conversation started on MANDATORY vaccinations. Totally unpopular, but the MSM has done a good job lately of pointing out the facts that the overwhelming majority of new hospitalizations and deaths are in the non-vaccinated population. We can just let them die or get SOME way to get them vaccinated.

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  15. Fighting irish hood auto decal 2000x
    ndblackirish97  almost 3 years ago

    In other news, Conservative media outlets like Fox News quickly change tune on how important it is to get vaccinated while also being exposed for tracking the vaccinations of their employees as part of their return to work plan.

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  16. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 3 years ago

    It’s going to happen. And it’s going to be… much less… than everyone had hoped. But it IS (by damn) going to happen.

    I hope most everyone lives through it.

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  17. Anger
    grumpypophobart  almost 3 years ago

    Good grief!! Is it a brave new world? I actually agree with Ramirez! Aspirin! Get me some aspirin! Gasp!

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