ViewsAfrica by Cartoon Movement-US for August 01, 2009

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    yonalevi  almost 15 years ago

    Are there lots of muslims in Nigeria? , what are their numbers?

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  2. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    There are Muslims everywhere. It is one of the worlds major religions. The problem is militant extremist Muslims.

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    Gladius  almost 15 years ago

    Nigeria is in the middle of what Geographers call the African Transition Zone, which divides North Africa from Sub-Saharan Africa. This division is mainly marked by a change in the majority religion of the population. In Nigeria the north is mainly Muslim and run under Sharia Law. The South is a mix of Christianity and local tribal religions somewhat animistic in nature. The oil fields are mostly located in the South. The current incident that probobly sparked this cartoon ocurred in the north. It has been at least temporarily settled for the moment. Most of the violence going on in the oil fields has to do with local environmental damage and the fact that little of the government’s oil revenues find their way back to where the oil is pumped.

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  4. Stitch
    dshepard  almost 15 years ago

    Complacency comes at a very high price.

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  5. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  almost 15 years ago

    Muslims are everywhere? Oh No!

    *checks under doormat.

    Whew, nope just dust and the odd dead bug.

    (Ye gawds)

    Yonalevi: You sure you don’t want to check whether that bear is dressed accordingly to Nigerian Muslim custom or whether there are actually still bears in Nigeria?

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    Gladius  almost 15 years ago

    David, I didn’t say there wasn’t a problem. Countries who buy Nigerian oil should be very concerned with the general corruption in the Nigerian goverment which has more of an impact than localized Muslim extremism. Especially since most of the locals seem to have been happy to see the sect go.

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  7. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  almost 15 years ago

    I’ll second Gladius. I have a few Nigerian work colleagues (Yoruba & Ibo, all Christian or don’t say but none are Muslim) and what they tell me of the generalised corruption which permeates their society, is far more of a problem to them. Not to say they aren’t apprehensive about a growing influence of Islam into the law in the Northern states (Nigeria is a federation, too) where some states already incorporate Sharia law..

    Sorry Dypak, rereading my last night’s comment this morning sounds like I’m taking the mickey out of your comment, which wasn’t my intention. I actually agree with your statement but add that the problem isn’t just militant extremist Muslims but militant extremist Anyones.

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  8. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 15 years ago


    A) Just plain wrong


    B) Even if it was true, so what?

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    rekam Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Obama happens to be a Christian, striper77. I don’t care how you try to skewer things to your own thinking.

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  10. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  almost 15 years ago

    “If Obama is a Christian so is every Satanists, Muslim, Witch, Wizard, homosexual, bestiality, the whole world population, any and all religions, etc, etc”

    No, striper, Christianity holds that holds that Jesus (incarnation and “the son” of God, suffered, died from crucifixion to atone for humans’ sins, was buried, and was resurrected from the dead to open heaven to those who believe in him and trust him for the remission of their sins. By and large, Christians maintain that Jesus bodily ascended into heaven where he rules and reigns with God the Father, also that he will return to judge all humans, living and dead, and grant eternal life to his followers. As the son of God and the messiah, Jesus is considered the model of a virtuous life, the revealer and physical incarnation of God. If you believe that, you are a Christian. You may not be a very good Christian - as SOME people, yourself included are saying about Obama - but technically speaking you are one.

    Muslims believe in one God, which is fine, but also that Mohammad is his greatest prophet. If you believe that, you can’t be a Christian, simple as that. Satanists, Wiccans and the rest I don’t know much about, but I doubt their beliefs are compatible with the above. Mind you, I have heard of a Wiccan sect that tries to square its beliefs with Christianity, that might be kinda weird to do.

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  11. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    omQ R - No sweat, I knew what you meant. I can also see how my comment may have been taken wrong. I’ve no problem with Muslims. If Obama (and I know he’s not) really was a Muslim my only problem would be with his hiding it. Sometimes I have problems with people who loudly and profanely proclaim their Christianity. But that’s another issue.

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    pilotx  almost 15 years ago

    I wouldn’t have a problem if pres Obama had an affiliation with the Black Panther Party because it was an organization formed to protect the rights of Americans who were systematically abused by an out of control police dept that acted with impunity. I would have also joined in the 60’s and not thought twice about it. They are viewed as heroes by many Americans.

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