Drew Sheneman for December 29, 2022

  1. T128
    saywhatwhat  over 1 year ago

    Don’t ask.

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    The Nodding Head  over 1 year ago

    With the lights out, it’s less dangerous

    Here we are now, entertain us

    (You know who).

    Media need to fill the pages and airwaves. Elon, Trump, the musical idol de jour, etc.

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    ShadowMaster  over 1 year ago

    Where did he get the name “Elon?” Is it short for “Elongated?”

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Musk is a Right-Wing “nobody” whose acquisition of wealth by fleecing others has made him “important” in certain segments of American society.

    His purchase of “Twitter” has exposed the basic “stupidity” of his life choices as well as his political stances – he’s on a par with Donnie John in that regard – a complete moron that simply needs to “get a life” from somewhere, preferably out of public sight – he’s boring, tedious and tiresome.

    And, just like Henry Ford and Charles A. Lindbergh, proves that success in one field does not necessarily translate into success in another…

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    The Dem Veteran   over 1 year ago

    If Ron DeSantis can punish Disney about taking a political stand on a bill, Why can’t Dems punish Musk for his political stand?

    Lets Cancel the Nasa contract with Space X. lets “re-inspect” the crash rating of Teslas Why do we Let the Republican fund their donors with Tax dollars Like Greg Abbot taking COVID funds and using that to pay a donor’s company millions of Dollars to Fly immigrants to Washington

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  6. Wanderer auf nebelmeer
    kv450  over 1 year ago

    Why isn’t this strip updating on GoComics?

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    jean.balliet2  over 1 year ago

    Quick question, why is the toon so old?

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