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The Dem Veteran Free

DV is an Army infantry combat veteran of the debacle in Iraq. He is also a former history teacher and is currently a business (trade) owner.

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  1. 8 days ago on Chip Bok

    Not reported by anyone with any credibility

    Like I said did Q tell you this or was it the gateway pundit also known as the Russian FSB.

    It sounds like the same sources that told you Zelenski was buying TWO yachts with American tax dollars, a story KNOWN to have been created by the FSB

  2. 10 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Because Manafort paid by the Russians

    There are dozens of meetings documented in the Meuler report

    Just because Bill Barr buried it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen

    Ben Franklin also said if the republic is successful people msy become too lazy to govern themselves

    Trump followers are proof.Please check you intellect at the gate ofvthe rally snd participate in the hate show

  3. 10 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Except most democrats disagree with violence while your guy calls for violence

    Shooting Hillary

    Shooting protesters

    Smacking the crap out of people

    You know normal republican politics

  4. 10 days ago on Chip Bok

    How do you know she has 8 million dollars?

    Did Q tell you?

  5. 10 days ago on Chip Bok


  6. 10 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Some random protestor. Not initiative if the party. You can’t even prove this person is a Democrat.The republicans….Trump " second amendment person can cure our Hillary problem if she gets elected Grietens senate candidate from MO Rino hunting advertising.

    I can go on but I have a life to get to

  7. 10 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Go comics doesn’t have the fortitude to print Rameriz latest. He accuses the US peaceful protesters at us colleges of supporting Hamas.

    Taking a stand against the institutional murder of 30 thousand Palestinian civilians with US supoand weapons is NOT a show of suport for the evil collection of Murderers know an Hamas

  8. 10 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Nope. Because the Dems ars SO CONCERNED about not looking partisan that they are willing to accept treason from the opposition.

    How can you argue that submitting fake official documents in a effort to discredit an honesty election, an election that Bill Barr said was jne of the most fair in history, is Not Treason?

    He violated the law to try to stay in power.

  9. 11 days ago on Clay Bennett

    I thought I did a good job explaining it on a third grade comprehension level.

    If you want to go deeper, Why do all the forged election documents look identical? Usually each states paperwork to congress looks different Who gave the false electors the same copy?Bannon and Cheesboro. They came to Trump with a treasonous plan and he told them to do it.

  10. 11 days ago on Chip Bok

    Trumps layers are still arguing that he can never be charged with a crime.I hope they win that case.That would mean that Biden can assassinate Trump had never face consequences