Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for June 30, 2012

  1. Frankenaaron
    NE1956  almost 12 years ago

    i just LOVE panels 1 and 2. Then we have Irving entering nut job territory. I’m determined not to roll my eyes today. Susan is wise again . . . perfectly said. Panel 5 makes me want to find Irving and rough him up. I bet it would feel really good.


    Morning Susan I do feel sad you’re going to be baking with a lot of folks. Our ‘vacation’ is more so I can escape the heat and humidity of DC — it was horribly painful on my new hip. I can stay through the summer if I want to. Billy will go back to work after a couple weeks here. No humidity here and we’re currently 67 degrees with a nice breeze. LMB is sitting up on my shoulder watching me type. :-D


    Morning fellow Cathyites and readers. Hope all is well. I’m deciding if I’m gonna think about lightenup while she’s on vacation. Nah . . . ;-D


    Mom! I’m surprised you’ve had Razzleberry Pie. People look at me like I’ve got three heads when I mention it. Sara Lee is harder to find in our part of DC though. I’d LOVE a nice blueberry pie. Chances are good I’ll get my wish.

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  2. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  almost 12 years ago

    I’ll admit that I don’t have much on today’s comic, except the …

    [Obligatory eye-roll …]

    Where is everyone? I know I’m earlier than usual, but still.

    Hope you’re all enjoying your weekend.

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  3. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  almost 12 years ago

    Irving washed his steak down with a Slim-Fast Shake??? What an idiot!!! Doesn’t he know that Slim-Fast still has some calories in them?!?!? That’s just a waste of time and money doing that if he’s on a “diet” and trying to lose weight! Besides, I thought everyone knew that you cancel out those extra fat calories from your food by downing a DIET soft drink with it instead!!!!! ;-)


    Golly! It’s already 3:00 p.m. where I am and I’m only the 3rd person to post here today?! Where is everyone anyhow?!?!? Can everybody but ME be on vacation right now, I wonder?!?! If so, lucky them!!!!! ;-)


    HI, AARON & DR. BILLY!!!!!

    Hope you’re all having a wonderful time in NH! Aaron: You actually KNOW people who’ve never heard of Marie Callender’s famous Razzleberry Pie?!?!?! Where do they live? In a cave?!?!? They don’t know what they’ve been missing, do they?!?!? Hope Dr. Billys mom fulfills your wish and makes you a delicious blueberry pie while you’re there!!!!! ;-)


    lightenup & lightenupjr.: Ditto to the both of you having a wonderful time in Maine!


    Happy Saturday afternoon, Hobbes (if you should happen to drop by), Susan,, rgcviper, gmforde, serenasakitty, kittycatpawsare, hendelca, Gator007, legaleagle48, Willi Nilli, mollie05, Lewreader, soonergal and all the REST of the “Cathy” fanatics joining us here today. Great to “see” you all! Hope everyone’s keeping cool wherever you are and having a great weekend so far!!! (It was 103 degrees Thursday and 105 degrees yesterday, which set new record highs in my area EVER for the month of June! Today’s another scorcher, too. I don’t know what it is currently but it’s definitely over the 100 degree mark yet again. Thank God for air conditioning!!!!!!!!!! What did people ever do without it before someone had the intelligence to invent it?!?!?!? Sweltered and died from heat exhaustion, I guess!!!)

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    BillyJL  almost 12 years ago

    Irving can do about 50 more sit-ups while Cathy looks through her purse for keys or makeup. I’m convinced this is how scientists first thought about black holes. Panel 2 is just great. I want to see the reverse when Irving is looking at and drooling over tech while Cathy rolls her eyes all the way inside her head.


    We’ve been outside all day. Dad and I took turns with Aaron up on our shoulders. Our orchards slope mightily — too hard for my bud to navigate just yet. LMB found a great hiding place that we couldn’t find him in. He finally gave up and came looking for us. Tonight we’re going back out to watch the stars.


    hi mom!
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    BillyJL  almost 12 years ago

    This is why I brought my Aaron out of the city — what a nightmare:


    More than three million people lost power after the storms, and at least 13 people have died, authorities said. Hardest hit was the Washington, D.C., area, but outages were reported from Indiana to New Jersey. Maryland, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia and the District of Columbia declared emergencies.


    The heat wave, with temperatures exceeding 100 degrees, added to the region’s woes. Washington reached 104 degrees on Friday — topping a record of 101 set in 1934 — and temperatures were heading back there Saturday.


    Hope you folks are all right and keeping cool(er).

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    hendelca Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I wish I could say that I have not gained a pound since this morning! Too much good junk food available at the Bikers Reunion! Perfect day today – a little cooler (certainly a lot cooler than many of you fellow Cathyites are experiencing) – just up to 25C today. Caught the Stampeders tonight – a great band! Remember them playing at a dance at my high school way back in the late 60’s. Then a good fireworks display. Definitely a good weekend! @Billy – enjoy the stargazing – sure cannot do that in a city! I hope everyone else was not affected by the storms and outages.

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  7. Cathy aack Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Hi other Cathyites!! It’s so true that men lose weight a lot faster than women (muscle/fat ratios), so I can understand Cathy’s frustration.

    I don’t know if I’ll be posting any more until next weekend (not taking the computer to the cottage). Have a great 4th, a great week and stay cool everyonel!!!!!

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