Jeff Stahler for May 08, 2020

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  about 4 years ago

    They aren’t?

    But more seriously, they aren’t hot spots… they’re collections of unlucky, ill informed or actively selfish people.

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  2. Wtp
    superposition  about 4 years ago

    Too much of the “it can’t happen here” attitude is preventing areas that haven’t seen the effect of contagion yet, from acting responsibly. When someone you know dies, it will be too late to start doing the recommended things.

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 4 years ago

    Maybe you should demand that the Federal Government begin a testing program, or is it too late?

    Due to Republican lack of interest in tracking down virus carriers, it has begun to mutate, this might get very serious.

    Someone needs to take charge of America’s health cause the Republicans are not doing anything except lying.

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  4. Irish  1
    Zen-of-Zinfandel  about 4 years ago

    Back in grade school we learned about volcanic regions.

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  5. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  about 4 years ago

    The thing I haven’t yet gotten a handle on: are some of the folks complaining about needing their stimulus money also among the crowds who are marching to have the beaches reopened so they can party? If so, their moans about food and rent will seem kind of phony to the many families and small businesses that have serious concerns.

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    dflak  about 4 years ago

    The CDC has excellent guidelines on reopening the country, Trump does not want the American public to know about them. Trump needs an ill-informed, ignorant electorate to get re-elected.

    Obviously these guidelines make sense which is why Trump has put a muzzle on them. No, that is NOT censorship people. That’s GOP “transparency.”

    The Republican Party: Love Trump or leave it.

    If you love Trump, stay home on election day.

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  7. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member about 4 years ago

    The situation in rural America has been deliberately designed by 1%ers to produce MAGAts. They own the news outlets that broadcast the conservative propaganda, and use them specifically for that purpose. Watch a few minutes of Faux news. It’s a real eye opener. In some states, you can’t get much else, and the talk radio is even more insane. A lot of the people who are in the Faux bubble would really have to put out some serious effort to get some contact with reality, while they are constantly bombarded with conservative propaganda. And, the people they have coffee with, go to church (or the bar) with etc are dealing with the same situation. That means that real people that you know and trust are backing up what you are getting from the propaganda machine. Unless you are a really intelligent, involved person, you are going to accept the world you see, unaware that it has been paid for and organized by people who are working against your best interests.

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    brwydave Premium Member about 4 years ago

    If a spot gets too hot, some refrigerated semi trailers will solve the problem. There are some small mid-western towns with large meat packing facilities that should be ordering their trailers now.

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    jborg Premium Member about 4 years ago

    A rarely seen neighbor’s grandmother died of covid-19 March 13th. Her son went through a month with a temperature of 103, and her daughter struggledto breathe for an equal period. It’s a red county in a red state where it couldn’t happen.

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    dflak  about 4 years ago

    Trump does not believe in wearing as mask because it would make him “look silly.” Pence does not believe in wearing a mask because his face is SO beautiful, it lifts the morale of everyone who views it.

    The most effective means to leadership is to demonstrate the behavior you want your followers to emulate.

    So if the two top executives in the country refuse to wear a mask then the rest of us should follow their example. Let’s make all these liberal, socialist, take-away-our-freedome, fake-news, Trump-hating (therefore un-American) laws about wearing masks null and void.

    Spread the word (and the virus). Oh and – MAGA. Hopefully America will become as great a South Korea someday.

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