ViewsEurope by Cartoon Movement-US for September 21, 2018

  1. Spock
    Spock  over 5 years ago

    It is true that most Eastern Europeans entered the EU only because of the money they would receive. For the Western Europeans, it was a long process to go on every level of the societies, mentally, culturally, politically, and they did the integration step by step. It is a totally different story for Eastern Europe. I’ve been living in Poland for a while and I liked the country and the people very much, I’ve got many friends there. But they understand many things very differently from how French or (Western) Gemans do. That is also true for Britain, which has a position of its own. Many Brits cannot understand why, after they always did everything right, after they invented modern industry, and won every war, they now are only number 8 or 12 and are required to follow majority decisions of a Union, in which the most important countries seem to be France and Germany.

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