Jeff Stahler for February 28, 2017

  1. Missing large
    jrep  over 7 years ago

    I’ve always enjoyed Mr Stahler’s cartoons. His artistry is always top notch. I know he has a tendency to lean to the left, and I respect that. My respect lately, however, has been turning into concern. In past weeks his left-wing views have been becoming more and more distorted. I’m hoping he has not undergone some traumatic experiences that have caused him to lose sight of reality. As a fellow Buckeye, I wish there was something I could do to keep him recover.

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  2. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Putin stole the right envelope!

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  3. Zwicky13
    kurt.zwicky  over 7 years ago

    Lady, it DID happen on election night….

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    dflak  over 7 years ago

    It makes you wonder. A company specializes in just one field of interest. They get a big gig. It’s only once a year. It’s very public. And unlike auditing a bank that can have millions of customers, it involves literally a handful of envelopes. I’m an amateur so I could possibly screw it up, so I would do something like write on the OUTSIDE of the envelope “This one is for the best picture, dummy.”

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  5. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 7 years ago

    Presidential Election, Oscars, Superbowl… I’m starting to think we have peeled off from Earth1 and we are just a spin-off universe now. The one where Trump won.

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    dflak  over 7 years ago

    It happened. I can’t change history. The best I can do is try to keep it from happening again. Of course, I tried to stop it the first time.

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  7. Img 0048
    Nantucket Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Cora, what do you like so much about Trump? Another $54 billion to an already bloated military – we already build tanks that the Pentagon doesn’t want and they are promptly stored in the desert plus we have a battleship that shoots missiles that cost $180K EACH. Do you like Trump’s connections to Russia? Several members of his team already shown to have contact and why won’t Trump share his tax returns?

    .Do you like the travel and security costs that Trump and the GOP kept whining about when Obama was president? $10 million for three weekends at Mar-a-Lago and $500K PER DAY because Melania and Bannon won’t move from Trump Tower. This last one is also screwing with the other tenants who can’t get deliveries or have guests easily and local businesses are blocked.

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