Robert Ariail for May 08, 2016

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    Flash Gordon  about 8 years ago

    Sanders/Clinton or Clinton/Sanders 2016. Also a total sweep of the house and senate. Governorships and state legislatures too.

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  2. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 8 years ago

    Sanders is a man of integrity. He won’t be bought. If he saw H. Clinton being treated the way he has been treated by the media and the democrat party ..He would stand up for her.That is because he stands up for those who are treated badly. It’s WHO HE IS. for over 40 years his goal has not wavered.

    Fair treatment for “we the people”.Enough pay to pay all the bills, enough pay to eat nutritious food,enough pay to buy New clothes instead of old clothes.Equal rights for all people,*equal pay for women,a fair and just democracy,like the democracy we have tried to spread to all the other nations,, except for the USA, where we are shortchanged by all the greedy people;lawyers, politicians, and those who try to pretend they are better because they have all the new toys.He is old, but he is morally strong and has planned how to pay for the things he proposes.

    *As a college student he marched for equal rights and fair treatment of Black people and others of shades of any colors.

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  3. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 8 years ago

    Oh, He is NOT a communist. If they have libraries, they are full of propaganda. Our Libraries you can read any book that you want, and we have democratic democrat proved by the postal service, stated in the late 1770’s, by Ben Franklin, and we have departments. of disease control, and department who build roads and bridges and upkeep. and many others where groups of people assemble and agree on some things that benefit everyone in our society.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Easier to draw cartoons if you don’t waste time and confuse yourself by finding out what’s happening. For instance, a candidate staying in to the end as Clinton did in 2008 when she was clearly losing to Obama. Or a candidate choosing to keep going in hopes of influencing the platform as candidates have done for the life of the nation.

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    imagenesis  about 8 years ago

    He’s Bernie!

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  6. Odin
    Holden Awn  about 8 years ago

    Background is drawn incorrectly. Hillary’s planning a coronation, not an inauguration.

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    Brian G Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Mr. Sanders way well have sparked a fire that will not soon burn out.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member about 8 years ago

    You must be smoking some of that medical marijuana. They have been investigating for a couple of years, spending tens of millions, holding thirty or more congressional hearings and have not managed to identify even a minor illegal or unethical act. If anything, it is a testimonial to Hillary’s honesty that try as they might they cannot find any wrong doing.

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    kaffekup   about 8 years ago

    And I always wondered why the republicans who went after Whitewater were so anti-profit. If it had been a republican, they would have praised him for being so astute. In any case, no matter how many times Hillary is exonerated, she will always be guilty to them. Since they can’t refute her arguments, all they can do is say she’s about to be indicted.

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  10. Zwicky13
    kurt.zwicky  about 8 years ago

    Capitalism and Ethics are two very different things..

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  11. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 8 years ago

    You don’t think Bernie Sanders was wrong in his planning how to pay for what he wants to get done?If he is able to end these expensive stupid wars, he will have all kinds of money to go for other things.Another thing, what Washington pays big corporations, (Corporate welfare) is a lot more than helping needy kids eat 1 meal a day at school, or several other “free” lunches.It is the people that you mention who Can’t afford to buy anything because taxes are too high, are the very people he wants to help to do better.

    I still think it’s possible to pay a worker a living wage for the work he/she does.You don’t know what I feel entitled to or not! but a 70 year old who has paid into the system should not have to go without basic necessaries. plus you must have heard the lying propaganda that he will give everyone free stuff.Mr. Sanders is NOT that stupid.

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    lonecat  about 8 years ago

    In this case it seemed obvious enough that she couldn’t keep up the percentage increase. That seemed obvious. I was trying to make what I think is a different point, perhaps not very clearly. I expect that many people who go from not much to a big fortune in a few years (my wife’s grandfather, or, on a vastly greater scale, Bill Gates) are likely to have had at least one very good year along the way. mike seems to be suggesting (without quite saying so) that Clinton’s one pretty good year is evidence of something fishy. If he’s not suggesting that I don’t know what point he’s making. I don’t know that there is any evidence that there was anything fishy going on, and my impression is that she was thoroughly investigated. One good year is not evidence of something fishy, unless all the people who have a good year along the way have done something fishy.

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    Dave Ferro  about 8 years ago

    Never Bernie, never Hillary.

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    twclix  about 8 years ago

    It is extraordinarily difficult for any active investment manager investing or trading in publicly-traded securities to outperform a properly constructed peer benchmark for an extended period of time. A reversion to the mean is a shorthand explanation. The underlying causality is likely dependent on a structural inability to consistently predict the unpredictable. The best we can do is construct probability distributions and seek to analyze central tendencies. This does not predict the next outcome, however. For want of a better word, the data show luck plays a large role in active management of publicly traded securities, especially when considering returns net of fees.

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    lonecat  about 8 years ago

    I found that part of Kahneman’s book fascinating. But I wonder if it’s the whole story. Some people do have a talent for making money. (Not me.) Perhaps the stock market is not the best place to watch this, if luck is a large element there, though it’s also true that some people have the resources to invest and ride out the losses so they can capitalize on the gains. I think Buffet may be an example of someone who has been able to make money consistently in the stock market. I have known some very rich people (I have also known some very poor people, and a lot of middle class people) and by and large they didn’t make their money in the market initially. They were good at buying and managing businesses. Then with the profits they put some money in stocks. But the foundation was always a business of some sort: one was grocery stores; another was pharmacies; another was a big ad agency; one was in real estate; and another was an auto parts manufacturer. They worked hard, but no harder than the people they employed. But they knew what kind of work would make them serious money, and that’s where they put their time and energy.

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    twclix  about 8 years ago

    There is a fascinating comparison between Nassim Taleb’s conception of “antifragility” and Kahneman’s concept of fast and slow thinking. You can throw Malcom Gladwell in as a Taleb-leaning proponent in “Blink.” Very cool stuff.

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