Michael Ramirez for January 06, 2016

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    SuperAndy Premium Member over 8 years ago


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  2. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Seems to me all you good guys with guns are terrified of background checks. What are you hiding?

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    Great truthful cartoon….for 7 years Obama has been shooting holes in our Constitution. -I like Mark Levin’s comment yesterday: If you want to stop crime, STOP OBAMA!-After essentially rewriting regulations, adding what is new law, Obama seeks much more than “background checks”!His Royal Edict overrule rights of gun owners who have passed background checks, to sell one of his guns to someone else, who will then need to get a license which as far as I know would require a background check!-But the gun owner would be forced to apply and pay for a federal dealer license! What is the accounting requirements for a dealer’s sale of a gun? Is the government not only wanting names and addresses of gun owners, but their money and regular reports so Big Brother can track every single gun owner at any time?-http://dailycaller.com/2016/01/05/gun-control-owners-criminals/?print=1This is an interesting article I found this morning…“gun carrying, private citizens who used firearms to stop criminal attacks saved at least 283 potential victims in a period between July 2014 and July 2015…” (based on an analysis of 195 random incidents).-Also Obama’s “30,000 gun deaths a year”….omitted the fact that 60% were suicides, 6% gang related, 3% accidents, and that the vast majority of the rest of the annual number occurred in cities….(article printed 2 pages landscape)Moral: don’t believe every word from a weeping prevaricator.

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    canFunny  over 8 years ago

    It is quite interesting that every left wing country in South America have tried or has change their constitutions to accommodate a smooth transfer to a dictatorship; fortunately, they have failed not only economically, but socially and polically: In Argentina spite of the new constitution the leftist government was defeated by a huge majority, In Bolivia the leftist government is set to loose the next election (again, spite of the changes in their constitution), in Chile the change in the constitution were defeated before it even went into a vote (no one trusts the leftist government), in Ecuador the constitution was changed, but with the condition that it comes in force after the leftist government has left power, which is predicted it will happen. Venezuela is definetly in the brink of dumping the leftists, and in the US every leftist and liberal would be happy to get ready of the only thing that has kept them safe and free for more than two centuries. They figure a few shed tears and a piece of paper will keep crime away.I do have a couple of questions though, how many people died the past year on the hands of drunk drivers? Are there any tears shed for them?

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  5. Frank
    Frankfreak  over 8 years ago

    Correct, as there is no corrolation. The watergate break in was illegal, when the private email server was used, it was not illegal, in fact, it was done by others like Collin Powell.

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    lonecat  over 8 years ago

    The Second Amendment revised: “A completely unregulated gang of crazy riff-raff who think the world was created for their benefit and they should control all the land being necessary, the right to bear arms of any and all sorts any place any time shall not be infringed.”

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  7. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 8 years ago

    Michael, I just realized, you get paid by the NRA too!

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    oneoldhat  over 8 years ago

    so you want a " well regulated militia " like Oregon

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    Michael Ramirez: I didn’t realize Wayne La PIerre had such big ears.

    If you’re referring to the Bundy nuts, they’re from Nevada, and not a legal militia. Though Oregon does have some idiot “sovereigns”, our militia is called the National Guard, and they’ve served repeatedly in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Bundy bunch just threatens American Sheriff’s, police, and federal agents enforcing the laws they violate.
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    clayusmcret Premium Member over 8 years ago


    I get your point in reference to obama’s latest attack on the 2nd Amendment, but his actions across seven years has been more of a shredding effort than a shooting effort.

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    oneoldhat  over 8 years ago

    A militia /mɨˈlɪʃə/1 generally is an army or other fighting unit that is composed of non-professional fighters

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