Lalo Alcaraz for December 17, 2015

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    Odon Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Neo GOP: They do have a suspicious look, so ……have at it.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    Pretty much, Lalo.

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  3. Caddy
    StCleve72  over 8 years ago

    Womanizer, gambling mogul, unfeeling, uncaring, greedy, vulgar, hate-monger; apparently the first choice of many Christians who see him as Christ-like(?). Is there something kind of weird in this picture? (Of course: “We are a Christian organization,” says Frank Ancona, the imperial wizard of the Traditional American Knights of the KKK), so perhaps it’s not so weird.

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  4. Qc1
    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    Actually, the Nativity took place in what is currently Palestine.

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    echoraven  over 8 years ago

    Trump is a cartoon; stop giving him free publicity.

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    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    You might want to check your history. The Nativity took place not in “Israel,” but in Judea, a vassal state of the Roman Empire.

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    Brojohnm  over 8 years ago

    Partial truth… He did, come to die…. But not for Himself…

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    markjoseph125  over 8 years ago

    Unfortunately, Trump is not mythical.

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    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    Which is part of the land of Palestine. You’re the one who was trying to say that the Nativity happened in Israel, and not in Palestine, because history. I just showed you that Israel as such also did not exist as a state at that time. And Bethlehem is now in the land of Palestine. Once again you twist and turn in a desperate attempt to avoid having to admit you weren’t 100% correct. Are you practicing to become a Republican presidential candidate or something?

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    kaffekup   over 8 years ago

    There is no Palestine, probably never will be, unless they stop teaching their children hatred and using terrorism as a tool. There is a Palestinian Territory, and yes, Bethlehrm is in it, but irrelevant beyond a myth.

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    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    Land of Palestine is also perfectly suitable…unless you have another agenda to push. Historically, just about all borders have been a wee bit vague, including those occupied by the people of Israel.

    And actually, Democratic candidates lie much, much less than do Republicans. Sorry to burst your bubble.

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  12. Qc1
    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    Let me preface this by saying that in all of your posts here, you are effectively carrying water for Donald Trump. You may be quite happy to do so; however, it should be named.

    Still you did not answer the question…

    Um, actually I did. You just seem to have ignored the response. And I’ll let you do your own geographic research. Maybe you’ll learn something.

    Is there some reason you disagree with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s quote?

    I disagree with it inasmuch as it erases the millenia-long historical diversity of the land he’s claiming, both ethnic and religious.

    Hardly a person to critic their own work…

    She’s actually reporting her work. Duh. As for your supposed “independent” viewpoint, that author, Peter Roff, is the former Political Director of GOPAC, the political committee once headed by House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Once again, you are transparent in how selectively you pursue or admit information.

    As far as your use of that quote as some sort of “smoking gun,” that pistol is a lot less warm than you might think. The “most newsworthy or potentially influential” assertions by candidates are those that, by definition, are the most consequential. Maybe your complaint is that fact checkers aren’t paying close enough attention to whether such-and-such candidate actually, really liked that macaroni salad. Those of us who are serious about the issues tend to focus more on things like Fiorina’s and Trump’s claims about videos that don’t exist—demonstrably false statements they haven’t backed away from that are meant to stoke hate and fear, and have unfortunately been quite successful in that regard.

    what is your problem with Israel?

    I have a problem with the Israeli state, and if you can’t figure out what that is based on my previous posts, I seriously question your reading comprehension. Suffice it to say that Netanyahu has ensured his place in history books alongside the likes of pre-1987 P.W. Botha.

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  13. Qc1
    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    The question was “Is there some reason you disagree with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s quote?”

    And I told you why. ‘Nuff said.

    Selective memory for last “millenia”

    Yes, it’s what you’ve been engaging in. For millennia the land you refer to as “Israel” has been host to a huge variety of peoples and religions. You’ve said nothing to refute that.

    dribble, let us not forget dribble

    You sound like Karl Rove at the end of the last presidential election, hoping that continuing to pronounce a falsehood will somehow make it real.

    Um, yeah, what Hiram said. You’ve just impeached yourself from ever being taken seriously. And I mean that in the utmost seriousness.

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  14. Qc1
    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    why would I refute my own statements?

    Maybe you need it in simpler words: by linking to infowars you have demonstrated that you have a very skewed version of the “truth”, one that tends to ignore pesky things like facts.

    You going to post your driver’s license from Saudi Arabia… left it in your other burka?

    That you seem to think calling someone a practicing Muslim is some kind of slur says a lot about you, and it ain’t flattering.

    maybe you post all about religious freedom in Islamic controlled countries…

    What, pray tell, brought this shrill little tirade on?

    Video: see my replies to HB…

    Let’s say that the WCBS report is true. How exactly does this translate to thousands of Muslims? Because that’s the claim Trump—and apparently you—are sticking by. And why are you becoming so increasingly unhinged as this thread progresses?

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  15. Qc1
    agrestic  over 8 years ago

    you do realize that your position is effectively carrying the water for international groups of Islamic terrorists

    How, pray tell, does this position do so? Specifics please. In the absence of such, your rhetoric suggests you probably favored the apartheid regime over the black freedom struggle in South Africa.

    you are not suggesting that wearing a Burka is requirement for being a practicing Muslim

    Um, no. However, many devout Muslim women do wear it. For you to use this piece of religious symbolism as an attempted slur is, quite frankly, Islamophobic.

    wearing a head scarf is bringing undue attention to one self

    In light of the anti-Muslim violence in this country, many may think doing so makes them a target. However, many think it’s still a key part of their faith. Like Sikh men wearing turbans (and some even getting killed for it by racist idiots who can’t tell the difference between a Sikh and a Muslim), Lubavitchers wearing their black suits and dresses, and a whole host of other examples.

    You appear to attack Republican candidates…for their political posturing and campaign rhetoric

    I don’t appear to. I do do. A few of which are actively fomenting violence (Trump: against Mexicans and Muslims; Fiorina: against Planned Parenthood; etc.), and others who have envisioned indiscriminately carpet-bombing cities and professing curiosity as to whether our weapons might make the “sand glow” in the Middle East (Cruz), among other neocon fantasies of mass violence trotted out by the likes of Trump, Rubio, Christie, and their ilk.

    from which no one has died from

    People have actually died from Fiorina’s rhetoric. And thousands upon tens of thousands have died and continue to die because of the words of the last Republican president we had—one who apparently the Republicans are now hoping they can outdo. Obama’s been doing a bang-up job killing folks as well, but these candidates want to take it to another level.

    But it’s interesting to me that you think that if one of these people actually becomes president they’ll completely change from what they’re saying on the campaign trail. How do you know this? And if you do think they won’t do what they say they’ll do, isn’t this just another indictment of them all?

    Why it appears that you even tried to suggest that Israel is the same as South African during Apartheid…

    You apparently don’t know the very well-established links between architects of apartheid in South Africa and the Israeli architects of the occupation of Palestine. In fact, the affinity runs so deep that Israel offered to sell nuclear weapons to apartheid South Africa. I don’t think it’s that you can’t see the link between the two; it’s simply that you won’t.

    and yet one can not find a single church in Saudi Arabia…

    This started as a discussion about Israel and Palestine, but you’ve desperately inserted Saudi Arabia into the mix. And yes, there are no churches there. There are also beheadings for a whole variety of offenses, women face onerous and offensive restrictions. Foreign laborers face horrible conditions. Etc.

    But this does not excuse Israel from its violent, oppressive, thieving policies toward Palestinians. Including Palestinian Christians. It’s like you’re saying that it’s okay for you to cut off someone’s arm because you saw another person cut off someone’s leg. Both are atrocities. Don’t pretend otherwise.

    Abdel Bari Atwan on the BBC that stated it was only “thousands” of Palestinians cheering for 9/11 attacks on the US…

    Citation please. Also, neither you nor Trump have seen fit to give us all the video that he claims to have seen of thousands of people celebrating in Jersey City. There’s no wiggle room on this; you’re just getting yourself further stuck.

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