Matt Davies for August 03, 2012

  1. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 12 years ago

    His ectch-a-sketch must be inside the tank.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    He really makes Dukakis look good!

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  3. Missing large
    kamwick  almost 12 years ago

    Davies is right on the money.

    Romney=Bush. Have you noticed that they are starting to bring Darth Cheney out of his “undisclosed location” for interviews? The persistent drumbeat of “support Israel” and “Iran is scary” from the right guarantees that if Romney gets in we’ll have another manufactured war off the books (Romney actually has one of the architects of that “budget strategy” as one of his advisors).

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  4. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  almost 12 years ago

    ROMNEY: “Oh gosh! I really don’t know much about foreign policy! Heheh … couldn’t even convert any French to Mormonism when I was dodging Vietnam in the ’60s.”ROMNEY CAMPAIGN: “Submit bids for foreign policy!”NEOCONS: “Oh hi there, we’d be interested in purchasing your foreign policy.”ROMNEY CAMPAIGN: “Woohoo! Send us the check and tell us what to say!”NEOCONS: “Something along the lines of letting Israel bomb the crap out of Iran as it wishes would be a good start.”ROMNEY CAMPAIGN: “Where is this ‘Israel’ you speak of?”NEOCONS: “Don’t worry your pretty little face about that … our good friend Sheldon will take care of everything.”ROMNEY: “I feel so loved!”

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    A simple matter of statistics, nothing “derogatory”, “anti-Semite” (Jew or Arab) or even “bigoted”. The entire population of Jews in the world, super-agressive and violent ones, like Netanyahu and his backers, or more “passive” ones who DO seek peace, totals less than 4% of the U.S. population, so, WHY do we let our foreign policy and choice of WARS depend on just what roughly half of that population (the aggressive “war starters”) demands??

    “Evangelicals”, who only support Israel so the Jewish population can convert, or burn in Hell forever at the “rapture”, are also the most war-like in OUR midst, so what IS the “message”, traveling by tank, that THEY are selling??

    “Neocn” = “NUT JOB”, socially AND economically. It’s time to grow up, and get past the “John Wayne America”, and get REAL! Seven billion people in the world, of many faiths, tribes, cultures, and “ethnicity”, demand that the U.S. come up with policies for peace, progress, and survival, NONE of which are in the “Neo-con doctrine”.

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  6. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    ‘Hope and change included closing Guantanamo, pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan, bringing peace to the middle east…. none of which happened. That’s why I’m voting for Mitt.’-This may not have been covered by Fox ‘News’, but we actually did pull out of Iraq, strenuously criticized by Willard. Your guy, Willard, thinks we should still be IN Iraq.-And the pull out from Afghanistan is now scheduled, again strenuously criticized by Willard, who believes we should keep an open-ended commitment of troops in Afghanistan.-You believe that Willard will bring peace to the middle east? Even Fox ‘News’ doesn’t claim that.-Guantanamo is not closed — but you didn’t want that anyway, eh? Just another thing to bash Obama.-You have not listed an actual positive reason to vote for Willard, only things that Obama has not delivered, including a made-up one, peace in the middle east.-Seriously, why would you, or anyone vote FOR Willard?

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  7. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    And why, oh why, is Bush hidden away and never appears with Willard?-Any Fox ‘News’ viewers who see any difference in foreign policy between Willard and Bush?-Caution: the above is a loaded question, meaning it requires actual thinking in order to make a meaningful response.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    Simple statistics on “aggression”; Sikhs outnumber Jews, and have NOT gotten their own nation, started any wars, or as evidenced over the weekend, gotten anywhere near the support for their views. In fact, the intolerance is greater as they wear “strange head gear”, beards, and don’t cut their hair as part of their religious devotion. Gee, sound familiar? But they don’t get our military or financial support to be the “tough guys on their block”.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    ^16 million total Jews, 24 million Sikhs, simple math.

    I like and respect Jon Stewart, funny, smart, articulate, and always accurate. NOT a nut case. I do NOT like Charles Krauthammer: vicious, violent, and dangerous, (and a chickenhawk) not the least funny, or accurate, nut cases. Both men are Jewish, with VERY DIFFERENT WORLD VIEWS.

    The intolerance, Jeff, is YOURS! BTW, “semi-autonomous” does NOT equal getting a country of your own taken from others, which you keep expanding, ILLEGALLY. Which is why I’m “not fond” of Netanyahu, or Likud. (BTW, I"m “not fond” of Palestinian terrorist groups either, any more than the history of LESCHI or ETSEL in the early part of the last century when THEY devised the terrorism against the British, used today by “those guys” with primitive weapons fighting from within the ghetto of Gaza, a wealthy American supported country with the highest 21st century technology, STILL claiming they’re the “victims”.)

    It IS the hatred spewed, by Krauthammer, or yes, Limbaugh, that leads to such things as Sikhs, who are NOT Muslim, being attacked and killed in this nation of ignorant jerks with guns, and “attitude”. Which, interesting is it not, that a neo-Nazi killed these “outsiders” who were “different”???

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    ^DROP IT! I suggested quite some time ago, that YOU, YOU, as an INDIVIDUAL seem distressed by the U.S., and maybe YOU might have been happier, and even less “grumpy” if YOU had chosen to emigrate from GERMANY to ISRAEL, instead of the U.S..

    I am likewise surprised that some like Charles, gets so inflamed, like YOU any time ANYONE points out that maybe Netanyahu, and for that matter “W” might NOT be the “nicest” or “brainiest” persons on the planet. People who ELECT to kill people, by the THOUSANDS, rather than enter rational negotiation, with honest expectations, and OUTCOMES, are NOT fit to lead nations, ANY nation!

    That view is the OPPOSITE of “Intolerance”.

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    P.S. the tank is also the OPPOSITE of “tolerance”.

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