Henry Payne for July 26, 2012

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    hancel  almost 12 years ago

    No explanation necessary if you would listen to what he says and not twist the words.

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    PlainBill  almost 12 years ago

    So I assume that means you are a success – you certainly have avoided the intelligence part.

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  3. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  almost 12 years ago

    I’d be interested in drawing up a list (with some help from my friends) of misconceptions rabid right wingers have (or pretend to have) about liberals and lefties, and then to draw up (also with some help) a list of misconceptions rabid lefties have about conservatives. Of course it’s easy for me to see the misconceptions the rrw’s have about liberals, harder for me to see the misconceptions the left has about the right.

    Here’s a start —

    1. rabid right wingers seem to think that liberals/lefties think that people shouldn’t have to work, that people should just be paid to lie around and eat candy.

    2. rabid right wingers seem to think that liberals/lefties want to nationalize/socialize everything and that we hate the market.

    3. rabid right wingers seem to think that liberals/lefties love the “government” uncritically and think it can do no wrong.

    4. rabid right wingers seem to think that liberals/lefties have no morals or no moral code or no basis for the moral code they do have or are just moral relativists or something like that. I can’t make this one any more coherent, but I’m sure you get what I’m talking about.

    5. rabid right wingers seem to think that liberals/lefties uncritically adore President Obama.

    6. rabid right wingers seem to think that liberals/lefties have no concern at all about the national debt.

    That’s a start. All of these are, of course, demonstrably untrue. Please, anyone who is interested, add to the list. And I invite anyone on the right who feels hard done by to start a list of misconceptions liberals/lefties have about the right.

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    oneoldhat  almost 12 years ago

    lonecat typo correction change rabid right wingers to smart people

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  5. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  almost 12 years ago

    What is just astounding to me is not just that the righties continue to repeat the lie, but that not one of them in any sort of leadership position has the integrity to correct the inaccuracy. These same people probably pride themselves on their religiosity, possibly even pounding the bible on Sunday, but will turn around and bear false witness if it furthers their cause. Would it be unreasonable to suggest they are unfit for leadership?

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    oneoldhat  almost 12 years ago

    ruff how about get your head out from where the sun does not shine

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    joe vignone  almost 12 years ago

    Where did they get the wood for the plane, the cloth for the wings, the gas for the engine. Pulled it out of Mitch McConnell’s butt?

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  8. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  almost 12 years ago

    Well, the reason I limited myself to the rabid right wing was so as not to include responsible conservatives who have some regard for the truth. There are such, you know. There are lots of people to the right of me for whom I have a high regard.

    If liberals like Obama more than conservatives like Romney, well, good luck in the election. I freely admit there have been some sycophants on the left, but I also note that the left has a lot of complaints about Obama — mostly that he’s too conservative himself and too inclined to compromise with Republicans. If you spend any time reading the comments on these cartoons, you will find a fair number of criticisms of Obama from the left.

    A lot of liberals and lefties do have concerns about the debt, but there’s a widespread feeling that in the short term it’s better to stimulate the economy now and deal with the debt longer term. A lot of us wish we had not been so boxed in by the debt left us by previous government policies. There is good economic analysis in favor of the liberal approach. You may not agree with that analysis, but please don’t say this approach has no regard for the long term debt — it just ain’t so.

    I agree that the left sometimes criticizes the right for actions that the left gets a pass on. And vice versa. We would probably all be better off if neither side did that.

    Do you think that your closing insult furthers the conversation?

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    glenbeck  almost 12 years ago

    BY your own boot straps huh?

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