Robert Ariail for September 09, 2011

  1. Ahm8 perceptor
    perceptor3  almost 13 years ago

    As opposed to the majority of the media coverage out there? A dozen or more “news” channels, all chanting the same sound-byte mantras. . .

    (Except for Fox’s chanting Murdoch-speak, of course.)

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  2. Missing large
    Jhonbaker  almost 13 years ago

    I hope the USPS is always there for my letters to go out into the world. I started a smallish campaign years ago to help the USPS – a letter writing campaign where people write actual letter to one another – what I have found is that people love this, it makes them feel better to receive a piece of mail and lets them know that someone cares enough to put time and thought into a communication. In addition to the obvious benefits to the USPS it also benefits the letter writer to help them to become more well spoken in an age of OMGs, LOL, RUOKs and various other shortcuts. I suggest everyone sit down and write a letter a month to someone they love or want to get to know better. I think the USPS should make my campaign theirs and do something more grand with it.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    LIke much targeted by the “right”- maybe the cartoonists should start depicting it as the “golden goose”. Isn’t it amazing how every agency the “private sector” can move in on, like “enhanced interrogation” from Lockheed Martin, needs to be taken over for profit? Then there’s Xi (Blackwater), Halliburton instead of Army Engineers or SEABEES- oh, wait, those are “military roles”! We certainly wouldn’t turn the Pentagon over to corporate profiteers??? Oh, my NO! Heaven and Cheney/Rumsfeld forbid! The nation’s defense is much too important under the Constitution to turn it over to privateers and profiteers!


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