Ted Rall for November 23, 2009

  1. Windmill w tulips haarlem netherlands 383092
    a.c.d  over 14 years ago

    This is maddness, and not at all how it is going. This is blatant misinformation. and secondly, yes scott, it costs a lot of money to make a good website, and if you bothered to look, the website in question is one where it tracks all the money being given to the many districts which requires a lot of codation and building of algorithms. I am not sure if you know how these things work, but they need to be designed and built by some very smart people. The site also (as a result of its complex nature) had bugs and flaws which require poeple to look over all the code, which is an arduous task, so no, it doesnt suprise me at all that that is cost that much considering that I work for an online agricultural trading platform and it cost tens of millions to set that up.

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  2. And you wonder why
    Kylop  over 14 years ago

    But a.c.d. “the internet is a series of tubes.” You hire a plumber…it takes a few hours, done. See, how hard could it be? :P

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  3. Missing large
    johndh123  over 14 years ago


    Maybe President Obama should have consulted with Al Gore since he made all this possible.

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    johndh123  over 14 years ago

    scott You are absolutely right. Kinda makes that $350 hammer look like a real deal! (originally brought up by Senator Proxmire with his ‘Golden Fleece Award if you fine folks remember)

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  5. Vh bluehat back
    vhammon  over 14 years ago

    Scott, Could you please post a link to a reputable site confirming your information on the website’s development and operating costs. I couldn’t find anything.

    And, again, a place value issue. The Bush II administration sent $12,000 milllion to Iraq, and ‘misplaced’ at least $8,000 milllion of it…pallets of hundred dollar bills just vanished… ( http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2007/feb/08/usa.iraq1)

    I’m OK with grumping about excessive government spending, I’d just like to see our attention on the big blow outs, instead of the chump change…$17 million!! Oh My!

    17 12,000

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  6. Grimace
    Lt_Lanier  over 14 years ago

    Victorville, CA is hiring 90 people for its Dr. Pepper plant. Thank you, Commissar Obama.

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  7. Missing large
    null507  over 14 years ago

    Look Seventeen Million to fix a website isn’t all that much. As someone who as been taking classes in building websites (and only really simple ones too) I have to say it is really difficult. I have spent weeks building my uncle’s website and all it has are a few tabels, some backgrounds and a title. to fix some even one problem on a site as large as the stimulus site it wok take a team of experts hours to even find it. then hours more to find the best way to correct it. It is a complicated skill that really requires a great deal of studing to acheive even a passible level of skill. If you don’t think it’s difficult right click this site and click view source and try to make sence of what it says

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  8. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    I think even Rall is pissed off and fired up at Obama at this point.

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  9. 1250741192973
    meowdam  over 14 years ago

    Not much to this one , …..

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  10. Copy  20  of ciegopeep.
    JoyceBV65  over 14 years ago

    In my state Obama has helped to increase jobs.

    We hired more people to take on the load at the unemployment office, and we have more people working at the food stamp distribution centers.

    Yes, Obama has most certainly increased jobs here.

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  11. Image013
    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    vhammon, just a small correction to your post. The Bush 43 administration sent $12 billion in shrink wrapped “walking around” money in Iraq, not million. Also, I second the request to scott to provide a credible source for this particular falsehood, but I shall not hold my breath.

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  12. Windmill w tulips haarlem netherlands 383092
    a.c.d  over 14 years ago

    BSC, 12,000 million, IS 12 billion, he said twelve thousand million. Kind of weird, but the Dutch say numbers like that. I am not sure where vhammon is from, but it made sense (sorry, kind of pointless to mention). But yes you are completely correct i would like to see these figures Scott mentions. I bet they are in freeamericanthinker.com or whatever that sight is that Scott seems to get ALL his rhetoric from. Regarding the jobs, there are tons of things being made, the issue is that there is a lot of jobs are in construction since that was one of the biggest sectors because of the housing boom.

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  13. Image013
    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    acd, I stand corrected, or rather I retract my unnecessary correction. Funny, I saw the 12,000 number but still read it as 12 million.

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  14. 100 2208
    parkersinthehouse  over 14 years ago

    bad one rall

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  15. Grimace
    Lt_Lanier  over 14 years ago

    The healthcare costs coverage for all subsidiary employees of GE, even after they bought Betz, Inc., shall only cover up to 4K. Yes, I’d say that the GE CEO on the Obama advisory team is greatly benefiting from his new pal, at the cost to the employees. Thank you GE for destroying a great company, Betz, all at the cost of 7 billion.

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