Mike Beckom for April 29, 2024

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    ChristopherBurns  about 1 month ago

    Yeah, American College students, don’t you know you’re supposed to ignore the fact that Israel’s war has killed at least 35,000 Palestinians. AND, if you criticize Israel in ANY way, you’re an anti-Semite.

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    Kurtass Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Beckom hates the constitution.

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    DC Swamp  about 1 month ago

    Who is going to hire these little leftist monsters? Are the seniors gonna graduate or hang out and protest all summer? I truly hope these little monsters will protest all summer long, including at the DNC in Chicago.

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    rmike7842  about 1 month ago

    That’s laying it on pretty thick. It’s interesting just how much this issue is getting pumped up. I wouldn’t think this warranted such effort. In the ‘60s, the student protests were billed as a threat to America. This isn’t a threat to our existence or even a major political divide as many Democrats are not sympathetic to the protestors.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  about 1 month ago

    Mike beckom : Devoid of humanity

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    dotbup  about 1 month ago

    The protests are a large group of relatively unsophisticated well-meaning students who are horrified by the photos coming out of Gaza — plus a significant number of far-right white-supremacist antisemitic operatives eager to exploit any opportunity to create mayhem and violence and blame it on “the left,” in order to justify martial law (especially in Democratic cities and liberal bastions — notice they are focused on Ivy League schools, not state universities, HBCUs, etc.) and bash Joe Biden.

    Remember in the leadup to Jan. 6, when numerous left-wing and Black activists put out frantic messaging saying: "They’re trying to provoke a violent confrontation between left-wing/Black and white supremacist/Proud Boys, so we get blamed for it and Trump can declare martial law. Do Not Go To DC! Don’t show up! Don’t let them play us!” I saw that all over Twitter. And people paid attention. trump’s people went right along talking about how it was “BLM” and “antifa” storming the Capitol. But it quickly became obvious it wasn’t true.

    Now it’s the same game for the Convention. trump’s goons are itching to have all hell break loose, the National Guard, everything, and to blame it on left/Jews/Muslims/Blacks. And there’s clear evidence of far-right (antisemitic racist) provocateurs in the campus protests etc.

    The strategy and messaging on the left needs to be: This is a false-flag call to arms — don’t go. There are legitimate ways to protest. But this operation is being promoted and stirred up by the other side, and you’re being used as the "normies” just like they tried to do on Jan. 6th.

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    charliekane  about 1 month ago

    The Israeli response has become self defeating. Bibi’s self serving bad judgment is similar to our post 911 bad judgment leading to our venture into Afghanistan and IRAQ. Hunt down the baddies, punish them. Don’t take your revenge on the entire population of the country.

    Young men and women (“kids”) in college often see only what is in front of their nose, without the life experience to look farther and deeper. To their elders its a pain in the @ss now, like many of my generation were to their elders 50-60 years ago. This too shall pass. It ain’t the end of the world.

    On the other hand, that Orange B@stard . . .

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    Ontman  about 1 month ago

    Beckom is a closed-minded MAGA lover

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    librarylady59  about 1 month ago

    I remember the protests against the Vietnam War. Difference about the coverage of that war – I remember seeing wounded and dead US soldiers – many of whom were drafted -and the subsequent wars is the lack of in-depth coverage. Most of these young ones will grow up to be normal citizens. I, too, believe Bibi has gone too far for a selfish reason – to keep power. Like trump, he, too, has charges against him which, even tho’ the trial continues, will not lead to prison if he stays in power.

    A corruption trial against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu resumed on Monday after a two-month pause due to the continuing Gaza war. He did not attend the hearing.

    Netanyahu has been charged with fraud, bribery and breach of trust in three cases filed in 2019. He can be sentenced to up to 10 years in jail and/or a fine if convicted in a bribery case.

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Rolling eyes at the inflated casualty numbers that Hamas reports and the antisemitic left here believes. Apparently it’s okay with when Muslims engage in wholesale slaughter of civilians and actually target them. Russia 30,000+ Ukrainian civilians killed, Syria -250,000+ civilian dead, Yemen 500,000+ civilian deaths, Congo 1,000,000+ civilians slaughtered. No college riots and protests over those deliberately targeted deaths. But, the estimated collateral damage of 10,000+ Gaza civilians because Hamas used them as meat shields despite the IDF taking every precaution to avoid those casualties, gets the leftist, Democrats in an uproar. All these protesters are funded by Iran, George Soros and Muslim terrorist organizations. Look at the tent cities on those campuses, those things run from $300 to over $800 and the are hundreds of them. Same with all the professional made signs, Palestinian flags and other accessories. All that costs money and there are three protest leaders that have been identified as being on Soros’ payroll.

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    Al Fresco  about 1 month ago

    72 pro- Palestine demonstrators were arrested for trespassing at Arizona State University after setting up an illegal encampment Saturday. (Local ABC channel 10) ASU claims only 20 were students.

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    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 month ago

    Republicans support Putin, Putin supports Iran, Iran supports Hamas.

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    Jack7528  about 1 month ago

    When I first looked at this my first thought a suicide bomber blew himself up. I get it, he gave a thumbs-up to the protesters. Are enemies love this our own turning against us.

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    sincavage05  about 1 month ago

    I don’t think it’s so much a thumbs up to terrorism, Hezbollah and Hamas, as a reaction to the world crisis. Feeling the sense of whens it going to end and whats the world going to be like. Never have so many people been focused on eliminating humanity

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    ncorgbl  about 1 month ago

    Looks like it has been far right-wing extremists who are the outside agitators at campuses across the Nation.

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Go look up the “Students for Justice in Palestine”. They have cells in colleges and universities across America and they are the primary organizers for these riots and protests. The SJP is funded by George Soros, Iran, other ME Islamic nations and terrorist groups. Pretty easy to search and it’s public information.

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