Rob Rogers for August 19, 2021

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    waltkamp  almost 3 years ago

    Looking on the bright side, at least we prevented Trump from holding a surrender ceremony to the Taliban at Camp David.

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    Jody H. Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Now to be fair, Rob, you should also show boosters going into the arms of defense contractors like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, BAE Systems, Raytheon, General Dynamics and Cheney’s friends at Halliburton…

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    Ally2005  almost 3 years ago

    I see Rump now claims that Covid was over when he left office. I think he saved Afghanistan too (for the Taliban). What a lying, disgusting, sorry excuse for a human being.

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    jessie d. Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Yep, right when we can’t take any more as a nation up pops the Taliban. However, I blame Bush and Cheney for this sorry mess; right after 9/11 they were in need of bolstering their manhood by sending other peoples’ children to fight in their stead and they rushed troops in w/o thinking at all probably not able to think or reason as they got to strut around like some kind of nincompoops.

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    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    Republicans went in there to bash the Taliban and now they are running the place.

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    FrankErnesto  almost 3 years ago

    They say that 20,000 people are scrambling to get out, but no one wanted to fight the Taliban. Let America do it.

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    cmxx  almost 3 years ago

    Walk a mile in the other people’s shoes before you decide that you know what they think and what they’re up against.

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    librarian4hire  almost 3 years ago

    Apologies to those who saw this on Clay Jones’ ’toon.

    In Case Anyone Was Wondering Why the Taliban Actually Were Able To Retake Afghanistan So Easily, It Is Because the Trump Administration Agreed the US Would Unconditionally Surrender To Them

    The abject surrender is in part one and sections 2 and 3 of part 3. Part 2, which is the Taliban’s responsibilities as a result of the agreement, are not enforceable by the US once the US and its Coalition allies complete the withdrawal from Afghanistan and because of what the US agreed to in part 1: to never again threaten to use force, use force, or interfere in any way in Afghanistan.

    What did the US agree to:

    Release of Taliban prisoners,

    Lifting of all sanctions,

    Complete withdrawal from Afghanistan,

    To never again threaten to use force, use force, or interfere in any way in Afghanistan

    To seek positive relations with the Taliban

    To establish economic reconciliation with the new post occupation Islamic government of Afghanistan

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    Ammo is busy training in the hills Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    That Rob Rats are not going down with the Titanic, then we have the brave String Quartet playing as the SS Biden sinks under the waves of World History. Biden reminds me of Rose’s Fiancé trying to blame others all while trying to buy his own safety with cash. Biden is a miserable 2nd rate orange POTUS.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  almost 3 years ago

    Why did the Afghan security forces (300,000) not annihilate the Taliban(80,000)?

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Who financed the war in Afghanistan? Americans.

    Not just the obvious fact that it was our tax money that paid for the American military presence there, but the carefully unmentioned fact that it was our drug dollars that paid for the other side as well. Yes, that’s right, the good ol’ USA was covering the costs for the whole (literal) shooting match, both sides, and has been for the last two decades.

    How can that be? Because Afghanistan is home to 85-90% of the world’s opium poppies, the essential ingredient in heroin, with its $50 billion annual market, a huge portion of which flows out of American pockets because nobody can get it legally here.

    The misbegotten, insane, expensive, destructive, dehumanizing, counter-productive War on Drug-Using Americans has produced yet another unintended consequence, a disastrous, murderous one, with a massive humanitarian crisis as a side effect.

    Repeal Prohibition. Again. For all the same reasons.

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