Ted Rall for August 24, 2018

  1. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Hell with the damn subway, the schools are becoming armed fortifications. Gun lovers just think that it is great that their children are considered TARGETS!

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  2. 8863814b f9b6 46ec 9f21 294d3e529c09
    mattro65  almost 6 years ago

    1984-Knockin’ on your door-Will you let it in-Will you let it run your life?

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 6 years ago

    LA has always been a nexus for hinkey craziness.

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  4. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 6 years ago

    I’ve been complaining about “security theater” for years by the TSA, and I agree this is creepy – but you think thermal imagers cause cancer, Ted? Really? For the record, thermal imagers are passive recipients of infrared radiation, i.e., heat. It’s as likely to cause cancer (and for the same reasons) as your eyeballs or a camera.

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    Striped Cat  almost 6 years ago

    Having lived in New York City and Chicago and taking trains almost daily, I can’t see this as doable. People can pass through the turnstiles in herds and very quickly. Who is monitoring this? How would you handle that kind of volume without creating bottle necks?

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