Steve Benson for November 17, 2017

  1. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   over 6 years ago


    Since this isn’t my field at all….

    Can someone tell us if what this tweet is talking about is possible to find on a published photo?

    ‘3. Your accuser used the actual photo in her article. She alleges: “The tour wrapped and on Christmas Eve we began the 36-hour trip home to L.A.”’

    “4. The photo here, if you check the metadata – was taken at 5:19 PM on December 21st. So – not Christmas Eve. Not at night while sleeping. Folks, grab a copy of the photo and follow along with me.”

    “8. Well here’s another odd thing about this .jpg file – It was modified the day Mr. Coleman finally conceded that you had indeed beaten him and his party for that seat. The metadata indicates that it was modified on July 1st, 2009 at 10:30 PM.”

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 6 years ago

    Al screwed up, admitted it, apologized,Luann accepted his apology as well. Al has done huge good in the Senate for women, and all of us. The Republicans are more upset by him questioning Sessions and others to get at real truths behind illegal actions of this administration, before, and after the election, which is the real reason they’re so hot on his case to resign.

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  3. Boudicca1
    Strawberry Hellcat: Gair I gall, ffon I’r anghall  over 6 years ago

    I would recommend reading further in the thread (including the terrible remarks made against Ms. Tweeden by the “enlightened”). There are many arguments for and against the validity of the EXIF data, and whether it can be altered. Also, when compared to the TIMEZONE in which it was taken – the time of the photo was not PM, but AM, a point conceded by the originator of the thread.

    You will also find arguments regarding the configuration of the seating for the aircraft – as if jump seats could not be present on the interior walls of the fuselage at the same time as other seating in the center of the aircraft. Until the photographer comes forward, and gives their account, all this speculation will be seen as making excuses – a thing the right has been justly accused of doing. Sink to their level, and you sink in their swamp too.

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  4. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 6 years ago

    Franken admitted wrongdoing and the president hasn’t. Sounds like Trump should be getting the hook.

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  5. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Hypocrisy, thy name is spelled T-R-U-M-P!

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  6. 17089663590345538622707983594073
    David Huie Green PrepareBeforeOrRegretLater  over 6 years ago

    “There’s always room for one more monster…”

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