Joe Heller for November 15, 2017

  1. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Deficits ONLY count during a Democratic Administration!

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Oh,well, let’s see now – another name for “The deficit” is “The American Debt”. Now boys and girls, if you have a “debt” what’s the best way to make it smaller? There are actually TWO ways to do it kiddies, and they should be practiced in tandem! The FIRST is to cut your spending – which, for a ‘country’ is somewhat difficult. The SECOND, which, for a republican politician, is equally difficult is increasing your ‘income’ – which for the republicans reading this, is also known as “raising taxes”. Now, I understand that those among you that are in thrall to the G.O.P. probably suffered a bout of “the vapors”, but let me insist here that the ABSOLUTE WORST WAY to deal with debt is to reduce America’s “Income” – the moron who first suggested that if you reduce taxes upon the wealthy, money from their spending will “trickle down” into the economy, was just that; a moron! It doesn’t work that way! It never has and it never will! Cowboy Ronnie first espoused that idiocy with his first massive tax cut, which he followed with several tax HIKES trying to fix his stupidity. The BEST it’s ever been able to produce is a slight ‘bump’ in income which as NEVER begun to equal the loss from the tax ‘break’ the wealthy received! If you think you’re going to see any money from some wealthy jerk buying another yacht or private jet, I pity you!

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    Sadandconfused9  over 6 years ago

    Once again, more for the rich less for the poor, and let’s chop up the middle class more so they’ll be fewer of them in the future to support the rich.

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  4. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   over 6 years ago

    Republicans and the Trump administration have argued that tax cuts for businesses would lead companies to investment more and raise wages for workers.

    The moderator then asked those in attendance whether they were planning to increase their business investment if the tax bill became law.

    The CEOs in attendance did not seem to be on the same wavelength as Cohn.

    While there was a smattering of raised hands in the auditorium, it was clearly not as many as Cohn would have liked.

    “Why aren’t the other hands up?” Cohn asked before moving on to another question.

    Democrats and other critics of the tax bill have said that the Trump administration grossly overstates the potential economic boost from the cuts and that actual increase in investment would not be as substantial as predicted.

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