Clay Jones for October 21, 2017

  1. Missing large
    Odon Premium Member over 6 years ago

    The eye’s have it…

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  2. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 6 years ago

    And THERE you have it! They KNOW that America is getting tired of their lies and crap, and they are fighting back the only way they know how…with MORE lies and crap!

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    Ontman  over 6 years ago

    The Trump voter looks so realistic.

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    alxzba  over 6 years ago

    wonderful comparison of facial expressions! thanks.

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 6 years ago

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  6. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 6 years ago

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    Ally2005  over 6 years ago

    Trump, champion for the scum bags.

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  8. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 6 years ago

    Anyone who voted for Trump does not get to attack Weinstein. Period. They are two peas in a pod.

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    Sadandconfused9  over 6 years ago

    I will definitely keep my fingers crossed that we will see an improvement in conditions on the treatment of women in all aspects of life in the future. Do I believe it’s possible? Maybe? Do I believe it’s probable? No….Not when people are more interested in pointing fingers than in actually doing something positive about it. When this Weinstein Scandal first became news, Weinstein was all publicly….? Oh,,, I’m going to go into rehab and get help and get this fixed so I don’t do this anymore…. Oh, I have a..problem… I’m a sexual addict…. I need help….. Now it’s a couple of weeks later. He’s decided he doesn’t really need rehab.. This is the same pattern that I see in the future for the country. …..Oh yes, we need to do something about this….. Give it a few weeks….. They’ll be saying…. it’s somebody else’s problem… not ours… They’re the ones over there that do it… Not us.. pointing fingers at others over there…so no one will look at the finger pointers.. Guess what?? Life goes back to the same pattern as always!!!!!!!!!!! There have been scandals about sexual predators in power before and there will be scandals about sexual predators in power again, because nothing will be done to change anything on a permanent basis. It’s just not power predators, It’s Bosses and coworkers, it’s husbands and fathers and uncles and big brothers and grandfathers. Any man who has power over any woman and abuses the trust of that woman is a predator. It can only change if men make an effort to look around and see what is happening around them. When they see the abuse happening, do they pretend they didn’t see it, do they ignore it because they’re embarrassed, do they ignore it because they don’t want to get involved in someone else’s personal problems, do they turn their backs and pretend it didn’t happen because that guy is their friend and they don’t want to believe he really did that? So there you have it. The problem will continue.

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    Jason Allen  over 6 years ago

    Oh, that’s so funny. It reminds me of how Hillary said during the campaign that there was a special place in hell for women who didn’t vote for her and then waited a considerable amount of time before finally denouncing a campaign donor she once rented a beach house next to for the summer. I do love how both parties whining about the other party doing pretty much the same things as them.

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    drivingfuriously Premium Member over 6 years ago

    From Notable There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution. JOHN ADAMS, letter to Jonathan Jackson, Oct. 2, 1789

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 6 years ago

    Without respect there is little hope of anything positive coming out it. We see fro some time that respect can and will be abused as a reason to put females into a box on a pedestal. We see it Saudi Arabia and there are some here who want to do the same thing to all women and girls. Enslave them under the pretense of “protection” even though the women are shown courtesy they are still captive and considered inferior which is the real reason why they are held captive.

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  13. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 6 years ago

    Business can smugly reply to Weisnstein’s accusations with a been-there-done-that, they feel they solved these issues in the 90s, not like the liberals in Hollywood where anything goes. Fox news is hypocritical in their analysis when it says it is time to close the doors on the Weinstein Company in the wake of the sexual assault allegation at Fox. The phony outrage of the GOP who voted for a pig who uses his power to exploit and humiliate women is laughable. Right-wing pundits are trying to score political points off Weinstein’s behavior simply because he’s a Democrat, but this is not a partisan issue, it requires all of us to speak out and ask ourselves what we can do to address it. The Facebook trolls are not just attacking Weinstein, they are the ones who attack the victims, discount their assaults, threaten to kill the women, call them selfish sluts and find their addresses. Twitter trolls victims itself by banning victims, but allows trolls, one of Twitter’s most enduring problems. Weinstein fell, Trump supporters assured Trump would not, they don’t believe the sexual assault allegations against Trump, they do believe the allegations against Weinstein.

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