Robert Ariail for September 01, 2016

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Hey, folks! Did you notice? That guy, Weiner? His last name can also mean a sausage! Wow! All the times he’s been in the news and this is the first time any cartoonist has used that idea! And, wait, there’s more! His name could be slang for a penis! No, really! The insights you get on the editorial page!

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    Comicsfan222  almost 8 years ago

    Why is what Weiner does considered NEWS?

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    ARodney  almost 8 years ago

    Frank Bruni had a good column about how Weiner and Trump have the same narcissistic problems. Modern scorched-earth politics tends to attract people for whom attention is the only important stimulus. They each even boast over the sizes of their penises! The difference, of course, is that Trump’s is far more dangerous to America.

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    Kip W  almost 8 years ago

    I went to a GOP seminar on Saul Alinksy. Ninety minutes (with a break), and all they said was “Blame Saul Alinsky,” over and over. Don’t like some ad? Blame Saul Alinsky. Slipping in the polls? Blame Saul Alinsky. Your candidate is a screaming Id with bad hair? Blame Saul Alinsky.

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    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    At least the jerk is doing underwear ads and keeping his hands to himself.

    As to Alinsky, get over it, and check out Trump’s pocket edition of “The Prince”. (The GOP hymnal today.)

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    pam Miner  almost 8 years ago

    I wish I never knew that so many politicians were perverts. I wish I didn’t know so many of the .01% were perverts and satanists too.I guess the draw of the crossroads IS a big temptation tho, especially to musicians.

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