Matt Bors for May 26, 2016

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    wolfhoundblues1  almost 8 years ago

    Instead of outlawing toilets just outlaw molestation. /s

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  2. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  almost 8 years ago

    I’ll repeat my previous suggestion. Remodel all the bathrooms with private stalls for all toilets (or even urinals, for the terminally neurotic), and put on glass doors for the entry, so any inappropriate behavior can be clearly seen by passersby. Voila, unisex bathrooms, and the bathroom police can go find something else to occupy their time.

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  3. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    I read a good idea in these comments yesterday. Instead of Men’s and Women’s, Conservatives and Liberals.

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  4. Wtp
    superposition  almost 8 years ago

    There is a lot more to the HB2 and similar bills. The LGBT portion is the tip of the iceberg:“On March 23, 2016, the North Carolina General Assembly convened an eight hour special legislative session to debate and pass HB 2, an unprecedented bill that:

    overrides a recently passed LGBT nondiscrimination ordinance in Charlotte,calls into question other LGBT protections,prevents local governments from enacting a range of nondiscrimination and employment policies,requires transgender people to use restrooms and locker rooms in schools and government buildings based on the sex listed on a person’s birth certificate, takes away the right to sue in state court for employment discrimination based on race, sex, religion, and other categories that are protected by state law; andprohibits municipalities from adopting a minimum wage higher than the state’s minimum wage or requiring other employment benefits."

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  5. Myid
    DBrannonWriter Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    I say anything not forbidden must be compulsory

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    hippogriff  almost 8 years ago

    superpositionAnd it only took one day from opening gavel to signing into law. Amazing what you can accomplish when you don’t need to discuss, or even think.

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago


    Okay everybody take this test and see your personality profile at the bottom:

    Homosexual marriage is normal True/False

    Men castrating themselves to be women is normal True /False

    Men dressing as women to use women’s bathroom is perfectly normal True/False

    Women having multiple husbands True/Falseat once is normal

    Men having sex with animal is normal (with consenting animals of course) True/False

    Having your daughter in a dressing room with men is normal True/False

    If you answered ‘false’ to any of the above questions you are an intolerant right wing wacko. Shame on you!!!

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    markjoseph125  almost 8 years ago

    I don’t think the fascists are all that crypto…Utah man attacked for taking his 5-year-old daughter into Walmart men’s bathroom.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    Hastert. Of course watch out in airports for Larry Craig.

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago

    Why are we stopping at bathrooms? Nay nay I say, lets open dressing rooms to men who think they are women…but wait, there is more!

    Hospital rooms…open them up to transgenders, why are you supporters so narrow minded and limiting them to restrooms?

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago


    Nope…I am not falling for your homosexual agenda.

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago

    TWCLIX: You are correct…. in a way. Tolerance and empathy are good virtues.

    Our natural born virtues are being assaulted by things that go against nature.

    In real life I’m not really so angry. it’s called irony and humor. With a funny twist on things we can see how silly this whole thing really is.

    The illogical idea of allowing men to go into woman’s restrooms violated everything that makes us decent humans. What is next? Allowing men in dressing rooms? Hospital rooms…the list goes on and on.

    The comics (and the media) are portraying those who understand dignity, decency and propriety as being on the ‘wrong side’.

    For many centuries, in civilized societies, women have always been afforded their dignity. To break down these social barriers for the sake of a few transgenders is to break down a wall that has always protected us from violating social mores.

    But people, in general, are losing their social mores.

    Transgenders who are TRULY transgenders ARE NOT GOING into restrooms to sexually exploit women. I GET IT.

    They need help! Not access to restrooms.

    The funny thing is that I completely understand why this is happening.

    This homosexual agenda is a small part of what is going around the world. Wars, world pollution, failed governments, social unrest, crushing poverty. It was written thousands a years ago by sages greater than us.

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago

    Question: Why do we have signs (MEN/WOMEN) on bathrooms, dressing rooms and other places to separate genders?

    Answer: To protect women.

    In the past: A man walks into a women’s restroom, the conversation goes like this:

    Woman: “Excuse me, but this is the women’s restroom.”Man: “Oh, I’m sorry…” (he walks out).

    If he doesn’t walk out she has a right to scream, or call the manager. In other words…she’s protected by the sign that says: WOMEN.

    Present Day: A man walks into a women’s restroom, the conversation goes like this:Woman: “Excuse me, but this is the women’s restroom.”Man: “I’m transgender.”

    But how can the women tell he isn’t a heterosexual predator? She can’t scream, she can’t call the manager…she is denied her protection.

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    1941gko  almost 8 years ago

    Take the easy way like the rest of the world; Outlaw Public RR’s, do it in the Streets!

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago

    Yes, like India, there are more cellphones per capita than toilets in India, hence why many poop on the ground..true.

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  16. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    Xenophobes aren’t just about Muslims.

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago

    The above comic assumes the man dressed as a woman is transgender THEY ARE NOT. The comic assumes that everybody else thinks transgenders are sex molesters. THEY ARE NOT

    When we see a man going into a women’s restroom our first inclination is to point out he’s going in the wrong room.

    Mr. Bors has swallowed the Homosexual agenda and is making it look like those who don’t are the abnormal wacko ones.


    Nope….not me.

    “Woe to those who say ‘good is bad’ and ‘bad is good’.” Isaiah 5:20.

    Sages from the past were wiser than some today.

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago

    This has NOTHING to do with rednecks or education. I live in California. I am an educated Hispanic man.

    Some of the Northern Liberals already drank the Koolaid. They no longer resist what they know is wrong. They have assimilated to the Natzi-Homosexual agenda…and so have you.

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