Ted Rall for July 07, 2015

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    OMG. Ted has starting simply running ads for himself. This is so pathetically sad..Yes, he’s the ONLY cartoonist who gets it. The rest of the world is out of step.

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    mattro65  almost 9 years ago

    Get a grip, dude. It’s a joke.

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    King_Shark  almost 9 years ago

    This is why we evil terrorist scum love you, Ted.

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    echoraven  almost 9 years ago

    You get DEATH THREATS? I can imagine you don’t get invited to alot of parties since Democrats or Republicans aren’t too fond of you..…For the record I would totally invite you to a party. If I had parties.

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    King_Shark  almost 9 years ago

    @ echoraven

    I’ve got death threats too. One can get worried or laugh at them. It’s more psychologically healthy to laugh at them.

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    yoalgreen  almost 9 years ago

    you only have to walk an inch in his grey matter to smile all day.

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    Randolph Larrabee  almost 9 years ago

    Do you think the bombing and drones by the US military is because the US Gov’t is Christian? No wonder you are so confused.

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    Mickey and Delia  almost 9 years ago

    Mr Rall should read what the US did after WWII at Nuremberg. Among those hanged was the leading cartoonist who had drawn the most popular (among the Germans) anti-US cartoons. And the US hasn’t gotten any lighter on cartoonists in the intervening 65+ years..Mr Rall’s only hope is from Scott Adams..http://dilbert.com/strip/2015-07-06

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    rongillmore  almost 9 years ago

    …a lot of imbeciles don’t like Ted’s political cartoons…

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