Tom Toles for May 24, 2010

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    jhouck99  about 14 years ago

    Is BP part of the ‘Texas Tea’ Party?

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    riley05  about 14 years ago

    Only if they want to replace our government with…


    Well, they’ve never actually said…but they definitely want to replace it.

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    Motivemagus  about 14 years ago

    Some of them want to replace it with nothing, which means we might as well hand corporations all our money now, and get it over with.

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    Charles Brobst Premium Member about 14 years ago

    The Tea Baggers and the Republicans will get the bottoms kicked in November.

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    Bilword  about 14 years ago

    let me tell you a little story about a man named jed…..

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    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    ^^ No no, I think they’ll do Okay. They’re far better at pushing their message than the Left. I think the only way there’ll be enough of a Congress-“left” [see what I did there?] is if Rand Paul keeps on talking.

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    bralph2537  about 14 years ago

    I don’t care if they are Republican or Democrat, I just want people who have actually read the Constitution and uphold and protect it. It would also help if they had some morals and ethics. Oh yeah, and they should represent the will of the people who elected them and not the organizations who give them the most money of make the biggest noise. Oh yeah, as a former Law Enforcement Officer, profiling is not racist, its damned good work.

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    jhouck99  about 14 years ago

    @billdog: Rand Paul has said he isn’t named for Ayn Rand.

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    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    “Oh yeah, as a former Law Enforcement Officer, profiling is not racist, its damned good work.”

    Profiling is not racist. Profiling based on race is racist. If we operated predominantly on racial profiling we wouldn’t have caught Jihad Jane, who was out to assassinate a cartoonist who drew Mohammad because she figured since profilers weren’t after white women, she could slip through security undetected.
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    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    Hmm, the Tidal Basin and the Jefferson Memorial COULD be in trouble.

    As to “profiling” by cops, been there, and there are a LOT of elements that we profiled by, mostly “behaviors”, but race was the least of them.

    A pink Volkswagen Karmen Ghia convertible with leopard skin upholstery, a blond and VERY busty woman in big sun glasses, a VERY low cut leopard skin “jump suit”, and a gigantic Russian wolfhound in the back seat- savor the image and profile that. (a real incident)

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    starguy  about 14 years ago

    billdog: only POTUS has the requirement to be a native-born US citizen (it called “The Constitution”).

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    jhouck99  about 14 years ago

    @starguy: he was joking – the idea being we won’t know if Rand Paul was truly named for Ayn Rand without his birth certificate, which plays off the whole birther…

    Aw, forget it…

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    jaxaction  about 14 years ago

    Bobby jindal R, says: FREE oil, come bring yr buckets and cans…free oil! and free trade, too!

    now comes the new age tories, protecting BP(owned by the Queen of the brits), watch them speak for BP. (Pres is ‘un-american’).

    Sarin Palin, who gave away America’s largest oil fields in Alaska), management to BP( they spilled right away), then quit and ran to foxnoose( owned by?_ SIR rubert murdock!).

    They are all British agents, deployed against our Republic.

    Tea bag protesters are mislead/created by the tories who have now taken over the republican party. What EVER the economist rag says on sunday they all repeat on mondays…watch the TORY’s, this nation must be too large for the Royals, hence the constant attacks.

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    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    JIndal doesn’t mention the 35% royalty Louisiana gets, just like Palin doesn’t talk about how much each Alaskan gets from the oil companies– well they don’t mention it after a spill.

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