Bob the Squirrel by Frank Page for May 19, 2010

  1. Zappa sheik
    ksoskins  about 14 years ago

    Hokey smoke! No one is following Bob on twitter, because he’s tweeting bleeep like:

    it ain’t easy being furry like me… that should be a song or something

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  2. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 14 years ago

    “Third base”? I don’t know it either. Can someone please explain? Thx.

    (More ads showing up. Flagging.)

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  3. Snowleopard
    GJ_Jehosaphat  about 14 years ago

    pschearer Re: “Third Base- I don’t know it either.”

    Your kidding right? For the folks who aren’t familiar with OLD A & C comedy routines:

    “…Abbott: Alright, what do you want to know?

    Costello: Now who’s playing third base?

    Abbott: Why do you insist on putting Who on third base?

    Costello: What am I putting on third.

    Abbott: No. What is on second.

    Costello: You don’t want who on second?

    Abbott: Who is on first.

    Costello: I don’t know. Together: Third base!”

    WHO’S ON FIRST? The text of Abbott & Costello’s classic routine

    BTW - Ditto on the Jordan Spam Ad Flagging.

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  4. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Thanks, GJ. Of course I know about Abbott and Costello. As a kid I was a big fan, seeing some of their movies in theaters and later their 1950’s TV show.

    I suspected this strip might be a “Who’s on first” reference, but I thought it was not sufficiently worked into the whole of the cartoon for me to be sure. I think more up-to-date answers to “Are you mocking me?” would be “Well, duh!” or “Ya think?”

    (Years ago there was a magazine called Psychology Today which had an article that purported to be about the difficulties of personal intercommunication in the modern world. It turned out to be the entire “Who’s on first” skit. And don’t forget the mudder that wouldn’t eat its fodder. I was thinking about that as I watched the muddy Kentucky Derby.)

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  5. Rat
    pamlicorat  about 14 years ago

    I love it. I have two students in my Theatre II Class currently working on the Who’s on First skit for their exam next week. This isn’t the first time Frank has used it either; remember a few months back with the fish.

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  6. Missing large
    Lawrence Stetz Premium Member about 14 years ago

    He would get more attention if he did a home invasion like in this news story.

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  7. Ashley s pics summer 09 002
    ashleypoostashio  about 14 years ago

    Bob on Twitter:

    im eating chicken im choking i need some bbq sauce anyone reading this? im done with chicken ew i hate lemonade why did i buy any? im bored i like root beer does anyone else like root beer?


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