Ted Rall for November 03, 2014

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    WestNYC Premium Member over 9 years ago

    The 1% ’ers (and the next 9% ’ers) should be having more babies. They will grow up into productive taxpayers that will contribute far more than they ever receive from the government.

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  2. 1906664 supermonkey  2
    Beppo10983  over 9 years ago

    Who are we supposed to be hating in this installment? All Ted Rall strips are based on a solid foundation of hatred, sometime it’s hard to tell who Ted wants us to hate.

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  3. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    He’s ’tooning a reported FACT. Most of the rest of us really cannot afford to raise a child.

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    emptc12  over 9 years ago

    Wait until the Alpha Double Pluses (self-designated) start to clone themselves… that should be interesting.

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    emptc12  over 9 years ago

    “Notice how certain people, like Putin or a few others you can doubtless think of for yourself, keep on with youthful vigor into their 80’s? It’s not all burning themselves out with steroids.”.Scott Adams wrote a humorous blog several months ago about these possibilities. He imagined a scene in the near future in which Rupert Murdock revealed the secret of his amazingly rejuvenated appearance. He showed the “bleed room” on his luxury yacht to some fellow One-percenters. Young underling volunteers donated their blood and Murdock received the factors within that gave him incredible strength and vigor.

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    echoraven  over 9 years ago

    You should specify “instead of the current tax code” since Democrats want this IN ADDITION TO the current tax code.

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  7. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    “So if we had a consumption tax, the 1% would be paying 100Xs or more in taxes than the bottom 20%.”.

    I don’t know about that, Churchy. They’d still find a way to get out of it!

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