Henry Payne for September 06, 2014

  1. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 9 years ago

    That kid could have played outside all summer. Just his chosen delivery mechanism of what he did all summer is electronic instead of on paper.

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  2. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 9 years ago

    Another reason: parental fear.

    Used to be kids could stay out playing in yards and in the street for hours after the sun went down. Neighbors would look out for them, and they would look after each other. Predators and sickos were either less numerous or less bold. These days, in many neighborhoods, no one knows each other, no one watches out for each other, and the sickos are way too numerous.

    When I was a kid, many of us would go to a remote street corner around 3 AM to meet the newspaper delivery truck and start to deliver morning papers. Newspapers no longer allow this, because of the danger to children at that time of day. It’s a different world, and not for the better in this regard.

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  3. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago

    That suggestion turns ConserveGov comment from stupid to creepy.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Crimes, and statistics are far more broadcast today, remember Carrol Chessmann, executed for rape? Made a lot of press back half a century ago with a pause in the death penalty, but, not an uncommon crime, even at that time.

    We used to, like most folks our age, spend most of our days outdoors. The “boob tube” has provided not just a way to keep kids occupied indoors, but with even greater “tech” like phones and computers, occupying more time indoors, and scaring the bejesus out of folks, 24/7 with “news stories”.

    Increased population, and crowding in cities and former “suburban” areas has increased the number of crimes, but the percentages aren’t as dramatic as people fear.

    Which, as Tom Englehart displays in a book, we ARE " The United States of Fear", in many, many, regards. That may be the most depressing part, and so highly touted by “the right” for several decades…

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  5. Missing large
    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    “Grow a pair” is a metaphorical term kiddos.Kids these days would have no clue how to survive without water or electricity for even a day.Very sad.

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