Henry Payne for March 24, 2014

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    ConserveGov  about 10 years ago

    It shouldn’t be hard to sell something you are Forcing people to buy. Unless it’s even worse than the fine, of course.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Yes, he should be using that time to cut brush at his ranch, not talking to the American people.

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    Enoki  about 10 years ago

    Obama got his “fifteen minutes” and then some. Now he’s just a washed up celebrity that would have gotten a box on Hollywood Squares in the old days…

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    Mneedle  about 10 years ago

    Interesting how the Libs forget that this whole debacle was sold as an attempt to get health insurance for those that did not have it. Then the truth came out. It is a move toward the government takeover of the entire healthcare system with the addition of the death panels.

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    ARodney  about 10 years ago

    Death panels? Is that really still all you’ve got? Obamacare is a huge deal. Five million on insurance, and many more on Medicaid. A huge drop in medical bankruptcy, and all paid for. The Republicans have never done so much for the American people in their entire history as a political party.

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    jud03005  about 10 years ago

    @ StL Cardinal Fan

    And Common Core will only make it worse.

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    jud03005  about 10 years ago

    @ ARodney

    The net effect of ObamaCare (unACA) is less people insured and you still support it. Some of the Democrats recognize a sinking ship, it is a shame that you don’t. Worse, it is the rats that are the first to abandon a sinking ship – which means you are not a rat, but one of the duped crew. Sorry, man. That realization will sting when it comes.

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    ConserveGov  about 10 years ago

    ARodney said, about 1 hour ago“Republicans have never done so much for the American people in their entire history as a political party” -——————————————————————————— The Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act despite opposition from a majority of Democrats. Just to name 1.Remember?

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    emptc12  about 10 years ago


    “No, I do think that declining vaccinations is stupid but I also would prefer that they have the choice than be forced to do them.”

    My wife wanted to deny our kid vaccinations and her doctor (to whom she had gone since an infant) chewed her out royally, made her cry. What’s the use of living in a scientific age when a person denies himself and his children the benefits of science? How strange to gamble with one’s progeny. But it seems people do it, proudly. Maybe that is evolution in action.

    .People can have that kind of freedom if they want it. But consider the possible results. I have worked with people who were damaged before polio shots became available. Do people in this country actually keep their children from polio shots? I have read of children that were killed by measles contracts by others. And adults who get chicken pox or mumps are often in great danger. Is it fair to inflict the results of one’s personal health choices onto innocent others?.As far as the malaria campaign cut short before its goal was reached — the story is mentioned in detail in Garrett’s aforementioned book. It was a rare bi-partisan effort started in the 1950s and eventually became a political and financial issue when more money was requested. It was badly administered and therefore not only increasingly ineffectual but harmful to the environment. .Malaria is now worse than ever, drugs to combat it effectively — even quinine and quinine derivatives — are becoming useless as mosquitoes adapt. And believe it or not, if global warming allows malaria-carrying mosquitoes to come further north, malaria and related diseases will appear and become quite common in non-tropical areas..The natural world has become out of balance, and humans in their hubris continue to deny their place in it. Maybe on some larger plane humans can be considered viral and Nature will find a way to eliminate them. If that sounds eco-freaky, so be it. .Freedom has its price. Must we pay for it with our children? On the battle field, maybe still, but not in their sick beds. Sorry, I don’t understand that type of thinking. Eventually, I think, neither will anyone else..Enough preaching for today. Thanks for your courtesy in reading and responding to my comments.

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    ConserveGov  about 10 years ago

    1opinion said, about 8 hours ago

    “The Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act despite opposition from a majority of Democrats.”Do you mean those democrats in the south who became Reagan Republicns? -——————————————————————————————————————Nope. I mean those DEMOCRATS who died believing people should be segregated based on skin color.And those REPUBLICANS that fought for equality.Btw Lincoln was a Republican too.You and Rodney should enroll in some community college history courses.

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