Matt Bors for July 15, 2013

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    Fourcrows  almost 11 years ago

    Zimmerman’s expression after the verdict was read said a lot – no change of expression at all. He knows that regardless of the outcome, his life changed for the worst. Perhaps there is some justice in that. Hopefully no vigilantes try to take anything into their own hands, as it would make him a bigger martyr for the “stand your ground” laws than Martin became for the opposition of those laws.

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    aaum13  almost 11 years ago

    It has now become legal to purposefully pick a fight with someone, and then gun them down in cold blood, and justify it under the rubric of “self defense”.

    Be afraid, be very afraid.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    Sat on a jury where in a bar fight, a kid who outweighed his victim, had four friends to back him up, and was a champion wrestler, started the fight, and bit the victim’s nose off. He claimed self defense, the other jurors were ready to let him off, until I explained the law, the dangerous nature of the injury, and that it was DEFENSE testimony that proved the defendant started the fight intentionallly.

    We convicted the guy of assault, and he served five years in prison. (We also found out after the trial that this was the fourth time the guy had attacked and bitten people!)

    As to Florida, hunting season is open, bad laws make the streets MORE dangerous.

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    Fourcrows  almost 11 years ago

    True points, RV, but myself, I would feel safer in prison where, even though at least 2/3 of the inmates wanted my head, there is still some measure of control over the environment by prison officials. Yes, he is a dubious celebrity now, but now he will walk around for at least a few years worried that someone is out to get him. That is worse to me. And you know that if the next time he’s attacked and he defends himself, it will be a lot harder for his defense to get him off.Perhaps he and Casey Anthony can shack up together for a new reality series – “Somewhere in Siberia”.

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    yusodum  almost 11 years ago

    Electing a representative who will permit looneys to wander around with guns is Darwinism in its purest form.

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    ARodney  almost 11 years ago

    In Florida, if someone is following you, it’s safest to shoot them first — before they get a chance to shoot you in self defense.

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  7. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    “Zimmerman acted in a reasonable manner…”Yeah, there’s nothing unreasonable about a guy chasing kids around in the dark.

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  8. 1 bags 2 rest in peace  12  1 23 2013  5 am
    DaveBNM  almost 11 years ago

    GOOGLE: “Trayvon Martin Crime”.You’ll get plenty of his “Side of the Story.”.A 12 year old angelic waif he was not.

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  9. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  almost 11 years ago

    1.Martin wasn’t trespassing.2.Martin never ambushed Zimmerman.3.Martin’s fingerprints were never on the gun. 4.How do you reach for a gun that was covered by the assailant’s (assuming Martin was the aggresor) leg?

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  10. 1 bags 2 rest in peace  12  1 23 2013  5 am
    DaveBNM  almost 11 years ago

    Make me some that “Purple Drank” please.

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  11. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Matt’s off his meds, again!

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    Serpaco  almost 11 years ago

    Martin was the one that confronted Zimmerman. He was a tough Mutha and he was not going to take anything from a craka. This 6 footer was doing good bashing Zimmerman’s head on the curb until he got plugged. Good going, Zim. Tell this biased commentators to eat s—t.

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