Henry Payne for January 23, 2013

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    For “deniers”: a red octagon denotes a “STOP” sign. A yellow triangle is a “YIELD” sign. Got it? Okay, that’s too complex a lesson for them to follow in traffic rules, let alone the science of climate change, but we can keep trying to educate them on SOMETHING their tiny minds can grasp!

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  2. Missing large
    Quipss  over 11 years ago

    That 36 billion dollars really was a handful over 4 years, At home i had some financial issues, I realized that the issue came from toothpaste, I stopped using toothpaste, not much changed but I’m comparatively less in debt

    Never mind that all that money went into creating well paying jobs, if you can stabilize a new company with say 10 billion profit, so likely a national provider one day, Corporate and payroll taxes will create a return in 4 years.

    Fun fact: Global warming is not a theory that everywhere on the globe is warming, but a theory that the global average will continue to rise. Statistically that is true, Climate change is a related theory that states that differing regions will see different results. As well as that weather will become more extreme ( freezing winters, boiling summers, I.E the mid-west in the past year)

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  3. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 11 years ago

    How ignorant this toon is.

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