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  1. almost 13 years ago on Nick Anderson

    Well, finally logic! Taxing the Wealthy got us to the moon. giving the wealthy tax breaks hasn’t gotten us out of Earth Orbit… Pretty symbolic…

  2. almost 13 years ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    Alcaraz is so latinocentric he doesn’t ever consider that many of the fires have been linked to and evidence leads to illegals in the desert. Only Republicons want illegals, it is cheap labor for their large farms and factories. Unions and proper immigration is the realm of Democrats. Shall we call this prejudiced and bigoted or is this type of behavior only ‘stereotypically’ a white people problem? It would be ok I suppose if some Latinos came north to go to Disneyland and watch a few Baseball games, go Skiing, go to Vegas, spend some money then go home instead of coming here to take advantage of the free medical care and Welfare and stick around to become a force to allow wholesale migration to our country while inviting our over prosperous to visit and spend money in port cities and resorts… I think we should give the SW back to the Latinos and strip the whole area of all the industry and infrastructure and allow it to become the latino Paradise they seem to want it to be. But, as I have stated with no American infrastructure or Federal presence only Latino Government. A new border and laws set up in the north preventing any migration of the now ‘Ruling’ class of Latinos in their own land to ours ever again. I believe that in that case as has been done in Mexico a completely capable land has been ruined by a people who can not do but exploit each other to the detriment of those who are not the Gauchopins… Grow up alcaraz study your people and write comics that show the real plight caused by and caused by your culture and people and and stop blaming the people who have because we live by a sense of real freedom and equality.

  3. almost 14 years ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    Excuse me? Exactly how does a US citizen feel Discriminated against by keeping illegal and criminal activiy out? So far the only people stopped at the Border are ILLEGAL. What makes that Discrimiination? The Jack bleeep that was shot the other day was committing at least 2 felonies in order to get shot. They have no respect for our LAWS and then scream when they get detained or worse. We do not throw rocks at the COPS and expect to not get shot! Illegally entering the US is a crime. Assualting an officer of the LAW is a Felony! Resisting arrest after the felony is another felony! Where’s the discrimination? I only see crimes committed by a would be felon who wishes to enter the country to committ more crimes as far as could be discerned by his lack of respect for the law in the first place. Get off the whining track it;s getting old and abused. Stop ILLEGAL alien crime and invasions now! LALO if you are a Citizen of the US you should respect the law and stop inciting riots. That’s a felony too you know!! Respect the law it’s our law it’s here to protect you from getting stoned in the street too you know!! You should be ashamed of yourself for not telling your latino peoples to throw rocks at their own armed forces and police and see how far that gets them. I mean why do they need to come here if it’s so great in Mexico? Reform Mexico don’t expect us to wipe your nose.