Direwolf 1

Direwolf Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 hours ago on Rob Rogers

    I hope so because that is what’s likely to happen.

  2. about 3 hours ago on Mike Luckovich

    Could easily be both.

  3. about 3 hours ago on Rob Rogers

    If it happens it will be interesting to see what trump comes up with to disrupt things. We know he won’t behave in a decent civil manner. As far as what they have to say being interesting…we have had to listen to trumps ranting for 12 years now. We know everything he’s going to say and none of it will be truthful or relevant to whatever questions are posed.

  4. about 3 hours ago on Clay Jones

    Many yes, all no. The question is how many and will those who are left continue to attempt to destroy America.

  5. about 5 hours ago on Matt Wuerker

    There’s a reason Florida and Insanity are synonymous.

  6. about 5 hours ago on Jeff Danziger

    If he had a stroke his speech would be even more incomprehensible.

  7. about 6 hours ago on Moderately Confused

    Awhile is an adverb that means “for a while,” and a while is a two-word noun phrase that means “a period of time.”

  8. about 7 hours ago on Rob Rogers

    Guaranteed. Like always he says he’ll debate or testify or whatever , spend months talking about how anxious he is to do, how it will be the biggest thing ever, then at the last minute bail and claim he NEVER said he would debate or whatever. trump is a coward to the bone.

  9. about 7 hours ago on Rob Rogers

    trump will prowl around behind him like he did with Hillary

  10. about 9 hours ago on Clay Jones

    A recent study found that 60% of republicans say that any criminal conviction will have no effect on their vote. 20% more said it MIGHT effect it. So 80% of the republicon base will vote for trump even after he shoots a guy on 5th avenue at high noon. We are so F’d.