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  1. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Georgia said on facebook: “Not quite comic related, but I thought you might enjoy seeing another creative project of mine, similar to the Easter Bonnet contest back in April. For many years I’ve wanted to make a Glinda costume, from ‘The Wizard of Oz.’ That was my Nana Dee Dee’s favorite movie and we all watched it many times with her growing up. Nana Dee Dee’s real name was Dorothy and she was 10 years old when the film came out. She told us how the children in the audience weren’t told the movie would be in color, and how everyone in the theater gasped when Judy Garland opened the door to Oz.I had originally planned to make this costume for comic conventions or Halloween. However, as Pride approached this year I felt like I knew the perfect setting to debut this costume. It became a labor of love, as I hoped to bring the loving, light, firmly-protective, hopeful, optimistic energy of Glinda’s walking, talking image into my town’s Pride event. I hoped it would bring a smile to folks and be something fun to share with everyone.I made the costume out of a quinceanera gown, thin plexiglass stenciling plastic (that’s the crown), a copper pipe, a Christmas tree topper, scrapbooking glitter stars, craft store rhinestone appliqués, holiday tinsel, and a whole heck of a lot of glitter. I’m incredibly proud of how it came out, and it was a joy to wear.I’m thrilled to say it was a big hit! Folks young and old reacted like I was the real thing. I was so happy to see surprised, smiling expressions whenever I turned a corner or came into view. I spent the day hearing what the movie meant to others and sharing what it meant to me, giving hugs, and having my photo taken. It was such a lovely experience! A few folks got a little teary, and so many people throughout the day thanked me for being Glinda at Pride and how happy it had made them to see me. It was a loving, affirming event full of caring, kindness, acceptance, and friendship. I had a wonderful time walking”

  2. 7 days ago on Brevity

    Not trolls. The Ents are the shepherds of the trees.

  3. 15 days ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Right now, Dad just needs to get through the night.

  4. 19 days ago on FoxTrot Classics

    Next Question: Who is buried in Grant’s Tomb?

  5. 24 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    From Georgia: “We go now live to BREAKING CAT NEWS! This is based on true events. Poor sweet Puck! Ora Zella is drawn to two things: birdseed and Puck. And once a few months ago, it went a little something like this… (The kids and I do our best to keep her out of the birdseed, however!)Happy Mother’s Day out there to all the Moms, at 4am and every moment of the day!”

  6. 25 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’m so glad that bush broke your fall and that you didn’t break anything. But as others have said, see a doctor if it doesn’t improve quickly.

  7. 28 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    So good your surgery went well and now you can heal.

  8. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    OT: Georgia posted a comic of herself as a kind of moth “I’m sharing a rare personal comic today. This is one of the comforting things I like to imagine when I’m feeling blue, like Sophie is in this week’s BCN strips. Alternately, sometimes when I am sad or stressed or trying to fall asleep, I imagine there is a light house on the Moon and I’m its keeper. That’s an old daydream-game from when I was little. Maybe I’ll do a comic of that one day too!I do have some plans to bring this story into a future BCN project, but it’s not related to the comic itself. And it’s not very high stakes—just something fun and light my best friend Preston and I hope to make happen for BCN-verse in the future. (…It may have something to do with a certain curmudgeonly snapping turtle we all know and love). Sorry for only having vague hints to share, but early stages of low stakes funsies projects are like that… Do you have a comforting thought or place you go to when you feel blue?”

  9. about 1 month ago on For Better or For Worse

    Because everyone ages normally in this strip, Farley was an elderly dog. Apparently, it was decided to let him die heroically. Would anyone prefer he was shown dying slowly, painfully and suffering with many visits to the vet?

  10. about 1 month ago on Cathy Classics

    She loves her piles of junk. I think it’s the idea of all that glorious stuff she’ll never use.