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Recent Comments

  1. about 4 hours ago on Luann

    Tara has a “take charge” personality, but the past has shown that Tara doesn’t “take charge” in a helpful way-she’s impulsive and doesn’t demonstrate common sense.

  2. about 4 hours ago on Pickles

    So what are you supposed to do with that wet, overly-sudsy laundry that’s sitting in the washer’s tub?

  3. about 4 hours ago on Red and Rover

    Most adults do just fine with 7 hours of sleep; not so for little boys.

  4. about 4 hours ago on Red and Rover

    The trend is now later start times for older students, with high schools having the latest start times to help compensate for the wonky sleep cycles of teens.

  5. about 12 hours ago on Luann

    The caller hangs up last.

  6. about 12 hours ago on Pickles

    Anyone who knows Earl Pickles!

  7. about 12 hours ago on Rose is Rose

    Wherever it is that the Gumbos live, I want to live there, too.

  8. about 12 hours ago on Red and Rover

    Red needs 9-10 hours of sleep, Dad.

  9. about 13 hours ago on Pickles

    There are too many ways for Earl to go wrong with this task. I’m betting on the most obvious- he tried to cram that mountain of laundry into one washload.

    I’m also blaming this one on Opal- she should have known better.

  10. about 13 hours ago on Luann

    Evidently, no one in their creative writing class does. This has all taken place in less than a minute. Until the emergency team shows up, there isn’t much else to be done- Luann is doing fine.