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  1. 12 days ago on Stone Soup
    had a co-worker who left important paperwork and personal stuff laying disorganized on our breakroom tables. would always get mad if i threw them away. never would answer when i suggested putting them in her locker. once got suspened for three days for using abusive language over one incident. was told to stop, i did, FOR THREE WEEKS. did it and denied it was me said someone must have stole it. mind you it didnt happen a lot and after awhile it didnt happen at all.
  2. 12 days ago on JumpStart

    26 years ago shortly after i moved into my house someone took my trash can and left theirs, because theirs was full of loose items and a few branchs. knew the trashmen who emptied the trash at the rec center i worked at then. they dumped it for me. called the police they refused to even fill out a report, because they couldnt be bothered for what they called a trival matter. and to top it off when i called waste collection and gave them the number on the can i had they hadnt entered it into their system for they sent it out.

  3. 12 days ago on Garfield

    two words EXTENSION CORD

  4. 12 days ago on Crabgrass

    sounds like a neighborhood i would nt want to live in, (p.s my neighborhood wasnt one of them have a pool in sight of the house)

  5. 12 days ago on Crabgrass

    twice as a kid, once at the y and once at scout summer camp, had an instructor hold my head under to force me to swim. turns out chlorine burns my eyes and i can only swim with a mask. also it was twenty years later before i learned

  6. 12 days ago on Brewster Rockit

    happens when i try to acces my e-mail anywhere but on my home computer.

  7. about 2 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    this is where i came in about 30 or so years ago when i first started reading this cartoon. know where this is going. i think i`ll skip the next few days saw this once dont want to read it again.

  8. 3 months ago on Stone Soup

    last pannel. did voldemort come back as a construction worker?

  9. 4 months ago on Pickles

    my dad used to say if i ate fish and did nt know it i`d like it. one day at this rec center where i used to work at, that had a senior lunch program they had what i thought were chicken patties and when they were done asked if i could have one. when i bit into it i found out i was wrong, it was fish, which i think is going to happen with earl

  10. 5 months ago on B.C.

    but most of it was still in a leap year sso it still counts as such