1946 dawn

Thechildinme Free

Recent Comments

  1. 7 days ago on Grand Avenue

    Especially now that we have AI to do our thinking for us! Listening to a biography video the other day, it became obvious, after about 10 minutes of the subject’s name (Barbara) being pronounced correctly when, suddenly, it changed to (“Berra Berra”) and it was spoken like a place name with emphasis on “Street” (Della Street), not a personal name!

  2. 10 days ago on Peanuts

    Bluejays have a vast repertoire of calls and voices. Most mean something to the other jays. One that always stumps me (“How did you do that?”) resembles typing on an old-fashioned typewriter.

  3. 14 days ago on Rose is Rose

    How many know that book?

  4. 18 days ago on B.C.

    I learned long ago that if the industrial cornerstone of the community or county gave their employees a pay raise, all of the businesses raised their prices. If we weren’t employees of that industry, we fell further and further behind in the cost of living game. Although I’m happy for them, I never get excited or even hopeful when workers finally get a better wage. An income solely of SS benefits barely keeps us afloat from year to year.

  5. 20 days ago on B.C.

    I can no longer grow a small vegetable garden behind my shed because my neighbor is so concerned with having an 8’ X 50’ strip of land dandelion free. The mist (always spray when the wind is blowing!) blows over onto my tomato plants and soil. It killed the dill (essential for growing swallowtail butterflies) and contaminated the space for anything but the hardiest flowers — and more dandelions! Long ago (at least 40 years) I learned that the sign of dandelions in soil indicates a lack of iron. As they decay, the iron in their leaves is absorbed by the soil. My potted tomatoes (front yard) get fresh picked dandelion leaves mixed into the potting soil before being transplanted. I see dandelions as the poster flower for perseverance!

  6. 21 days ago on Rose is Rose

    And if they can get to it, squirrels will decimate the suet cake in the time it takes you to fix your own meal!

  7. 21 days ago on Grand Avenue

    I grew up in poverty wearing hand-me-downs from older relatives and friends, eating a lot of SPAM, fried bologna (I know a lot of people like both of them, but I don’t!) hot dogs, pork and beans, cottage cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup chicken & noodle soup, and Mother’s fresh or canned garden produce. I learned the value of using my intelligence to solve problems and what was or was not really important in life. As an adult, I’m more sensitive to the plight of others and can usually discern if it’s real or a ploy. For me, poverty has been a experience with two totally opposite faces.

  8. 22 days ago on B.C.

    Pterodactyl Air, naturally!

  9. 22 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    In addition to vacuuming the house, doing the laudry, going for groceries, stopping to fill the car with gas…

  10. 28 days ago on B.C.

    Old wives tale. Our feathered friends predate humans and m especially the crow, raven, and blue jays, have proven very intelligent. Much like the elephant, these birds recognize humans and have been known to attack one who pestered or injured them years before.