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  1. about 8 hours ago on Reality Check

    Or bears. Maybe sabertooth tigers.

  2. 1 day ago on Frazz

    Algae are not just a plant, they are a huge number of different species – numbers vary greatly, but it is probably at least 100.000. Some of them are edible or can be processed to become edible, or can be used as food for livestock.

    So not only leeches are used as medical treatment for millennia, so are some algae as food. Just because it is now marketed as new! or as recently approved and with health beneficial there is nothing new about it. We are omnivores so most things are edible to us.

  3. 1 day ago on Frazz

    In this case it is saw ergo past tense: So the teller says it himself that it is from the past.

  4. 1 day ago on Frazz

    Jhony-Yermo is right: The German Name Dachshund means Badger-Dog in English. And that’s what their prey is.

    If you ever have seen an angry badger in the wild you know that a Dachshund true to his name is still a very worthy asset for any serious hunter. For sure not to set on bunnies, that’s what the Greyhound is for.

    If an adult Dachshund and Windspiel get into a real fight I wouldn’t bet an nickel on the canine daddy longleg.

  5. 1 day ago on Frazz

    If someone can’t do anything but teach – why shouldn’t s/he? Let everyone serve society at hir best.

    I know many very talented people who happily do yard work, carpentry, teach, drive a bus for decades without causing any accident. But they can’t do their taxes. But there are accountants who are brilliant at that, while they are stumped by a hammer and a nail, or a clutch and stick-shift.

  6. 1 day ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I sometimes wonder why that face on Goat’s nose is always looking back.

  7. 1 day ago on The Flying McCoys

    Get him his burgers raw but with plenty of that 50k-Scoville sauce. Then they are hot but not burned.

  8. 1 day ago on The Buckets

    My thought, too, even if in different wording.

  9. 1 day ago on The Other Coast

    One of the reasons I prefer cats to dogs. Even if some are willing to perform tricks they draw the line at stupid.

  10. 2 days ago on Frazz

    If you are able to know what sources are BS and what are not you don’t need a librarian. But the amount of utter nonsense on the net is providing so much sources of all shades that it is impossible to know what kind, quality, and how misleading the findings are.

    When you demand responsibility and skillfulness for ones searches on the net and their use of sources on the net you expect the users to already have enough knowledge to make that distinction. If it’s hard science it might be possible. But when it contains human opinions or judgements, like morale, philosophy, or religion the uninformed, misleading or willfully lying sources are legion.