Opus swivel 2

Jacob Mattingly Free

Long time comic strip enthusiast. Writer of popculturebuffet.tumblr.com.

Recent Comments

  1. about 1 hour ago on Crankshaft

    I wouldn’t call their theater backwards, they simply choose to air older films far as I can tell. That said even with a buisness that dosen’t rely on it I don’t buy they woudln’t know a big film in a franchise their co-owner seems to be in that they’ve aired at their threater is coming next month. Knowing the exact date? Fair. But the hollywood hype machine these days means you will get tons of adds for a film nd they’d likely still get asks from people less familiar with what their about for pre orders and such. Gratned Tom Bautik dosen’t know how comics, book publishing or integrating cast members from another work in a way that insn’t intrusive works, so I’m not exactly shocked he dosen’t get how theater works

  2. about 1 hour ago on Pearls Before Swine

    LARRY! It’s a shock to see him as I got the impression Pastis had written him and th eother crocks out, so it’s so lovely to see him back.

  3. about 1 hour ago on Big Nate

    I’m going with option B. Nate is pretty infamous in the school and Daphne knew for the most part what she was getting into. It’s part of what makes this relationship unique from previous ones now I think about it: she’s in his class.. and thus isn’t shielded from his antics.

  4. about 1 hour ago on JumpStart

    I… did not see this coming. And i’m HOPING he means he broke up with her before he got together with Nichole and ont just before he proposed, otherwise his marriage is in danger.

  5. about 1 hour ago on For Better or For Worse

    Because he wanted to make it Gordon’s own. I agree there’s some implications John and me as a reader didn’t think of, thanks for that, but I could see John helping pay for new stationary. The bank account thing is just.. changing the name. It MIGHT cost a little but I don’t doubt it.

    As for advertising I doubt Gordon and Tracey do more at this point than coupons, which name change or no Gordon would of course honor. The buisness is small , has a loyal customer base, and good word of mouth and Gordon’s good enough he hasn’t lost any customers after taking over from Mr Daly unoffically months ago and the name change can easily be mentioned in any further coupons or phone calls. It’ll cause a slight shift, I won’t lie this is likely more of a headache than Lynn considered.. but i’ts not a huge crisis.

    As for the hoist that ship probably sailed already: Looking up what that is.. it’s something he simply CANT’ do buisness without and likely either repaired himself or had to shell out the cash to get repaired asap. Not saying John coudln’t of still.. given him the money he spent, but if Gordon dosen’t tell John any of this happened (and as far as we know he didn’t, the hoist bit was to his friends), how can John give him the money? As it stands this is a nice if somewhat taxing gift, though I agree it has some more strings than I thought.

  6. about 2 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    Very true. And I agree that’s the core problem to this relationship: it lasted far longer than it shoudl’ve (In universe, out of it it’s fine and goes on JUST long enough). It’s a realistic example of two people who worked fine enough as a casual high school relationship… but the distance and diffrent priorites in life is driving a wedge. Mike wants to travel, to explore, while Rhetta is happy taking over her dad’s buisness. Neither path is bad (As we’ve seen from Gordon, staying where you are can work for you), but they simply don’t click and rather than talk about this, Mike tends to dodge the subject or walk face first into saying something obnoxious. It’s clear Rhetta already wants to settle down (and today’s/the next strip after this confirms this).. but Mike simply isn’t ready. It’s a relationship that simply dosen’t have the emotoinal maturity to last, while the one you mentioned does. it takes a sec to get there, like with all his relationships so far Mike jumps in head first, but he’s forced to slow down a peg and actually consider what he wants, while he helps D move past her own issues to find what she wants. IT’s a well written relationship I cn’t wait to get to, but we still got a bit to go through rhetta.

  7. about 2 hours ago on Crabgrass

    Okay I like that this guy is sticking around. Partly because it makes the last arc even more impactful, but largely because it gets Kyle out of his niche as “older bother, plot expositer and jerkface”. Not that this niche is bad, but it’s nice to let the supporting cast have some time to themselves.

  8. about 2 hours ago on Heart of the City

    Okay I was iffy on the game of telephone thing.. but I like this. That this wacky misunderstanding.. gets Heart invested in the show and thus the theater takes a break on a high note.

  9. about 2 hours ago on Heart of the City


  10. 1 day ago on For Better or For Worse

    Ironic considering who he does end up with… I mean she’s technically not from his home town ANYMORE