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Recent Comments

  1. 4 days ago on Scott Stantis

    So are you doing your part?

  2. 6 days ago on Bloom County

    So what’s your excuse for Biden. He falls asleep when he’s supposed to be involved with what’s going on.

  3. 8 days ago on Bloom County

    You try sitting through voir dire for several days, and see how well you do.

  4. 9 days ago on Steve Kelley

    So you watch Jessie, too, eh?

  5. 13 days ago on Gary Varvel

    If you check the facts again, you’ll find that Israel treats Arabs better than any of the Arab countries.

  6. 13 days ago on Gary Varvel

    They’ve been there a very long time, so check your history.

    As another question, why won’t any of the Arab countries accept their Gazan-Palestinian “brothers”?

    A question for the GC overlords – Why does a backslash in a comment automatically turn the text into an assumed URL?

  7. 13 days ago on Henry Payne

    He has to be sure he watches his back for “friendly” fire.

  8. 13 days ago on Mike Beckom

    I wouldn’t surrender anyone to the International Court of Justice [sic].

  9. 19 days ago on Dana Summers

    Right. If fast food restaurants don’t play by the government’s (or your) rules, everybody loses.

    Please give a measurable calculation for “decent” wage. What works in Peoria ain’t necessarily good in LA. Or maybe just get the government out of things.

  10. 19 days ago on Mike Beckom

    I read some in the paper today. Gotcha.