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  1. about 6 hours ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    Here is what Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of a co-Founder of Hamas has said:“The Nakba, ethnic cleansing , the genocide – all this type of allegations is the failing attempt of the loser that wants to turn defeat into something else. It is a culture that is based on honour and shame, not right and wrong. it is very shameful…for the Arab leaderships to just accept defeat…So they call it a Nakba! It is a disaster – but who’s responsible for that disaster? Was it the Arab miscalculation when Israel was extremely outnumbered and they came with this inflated Arabian ego, thinking that they are going to make the Jews into food of the fish of the sea? This was the slogan, marching towards the attempt to annihilate the Jewish people. it was a big Shock (to have lost the war)!My grandmother was asked to evacuate her farm – as hundreds of thousands of Arabs left their farms – BECAUSE THE ARAB ARMIES TOLD THEM YOU MUST EVACUATE!After we cleanse the land of the Jews you can return to your homes.

    I don’t need the United Nations to come educate me about anything, because my grandmother is an eyewitness and she gave me her experience.This is what they told her. This is why she left her farm – because she was afraid to get caught up in the war.And the Arabs lost the war – and my grandmother never returned back to her farm .But you know what’s amazing?My grandmother started her life again in the village in Beirzit, near Ramallah , and was able to start over and was able to be very successful…She never spoke anything bad about Israel.She never used the term Nakbah, she never used the term occupation or colonialism .For her it was a loss and I think deep in her soul she knew that the Arab armies had misguided the entire population -so when we talk about Nakba, disaster – wherever they want to name it – it’s just a concept!Who’s responsible for that in my opinion? The Arab arrogance.”

  2. about 6 hours ago on Michael Ramirez


  3. about 7 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    If it weren’t for men YOU’d still be living in a cave. And don’t forget that men invented washing machines, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners etc. All of which gave women more freedom for other things.You can give me a narrative about male dominance in the work force, but sometimes it is simply that men tend to look more for solutions.Example: as kids, a – 5 year old boy and girl go into their basement and find a broken alarm clock. The girl’s first impulse will probably be either to ignore it or throw it out. The boy’s first impulse will probably be to take it apart and try to fix it or understand how it works. I am talking generally of course. Same reason why boys seem to be adead in IT rather than girls. Steve Jobs quit Harvard and the entire regular system to invent the Mac computer in his garage. What’s the problem? Women don’t have garages? But here’s something which has always fascinated me. Men don’t menstruate, but it was apparentl a man who first invented the tampon, which finally gave women more freedom to remain at work during their period. Before that women used rags, which were not as effective or liberating. Why would it be a man who got the and not a woman?Wouldn’t it be more logical for a woman to have done this?

  4. about 7 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    I sit down to pee too (for my own personal reasons) … so I am in exactly the same position as women but being a man, I don’t try and foist everything off on the opposite sex. But I DO complain about bulls*** and poor logic.

    If you want equality, then you should expect to be treated equally instead of insisting on special treatment.Women and children first? Why,? Women float better and are more resistant to cold. But they don’t complain when it is in their favour, do they?

    Against the “Patriarchy” – except when women hostages are let free BEFORE men even if some men were in worse condition than the women. Did many Feminists cry “foul” against THIS Patriachal attitude? I didn’t hear them! The hypocrisy is flagrant!

    Here’s another bulls*** number for you: “I was too drunk to give consent.” NOT taking responsibility for your own actions is fine when you are a woman, but if a man tried to use the same bullsh** logic by saying “I was too drunk to be a gentleman” the screaming would be deafening!

    The “logic” here is the same, but only ONE side gets a pass. Welcome to 3d wave Feminism… it is no longer about equality but domination.

    PS: for all those who will now berate me as ‘misogynous" – Germaine Greer and Camille Paglia pretty much agree with me. I’m in good company…

  5. about 7 hours ago on Scott Stantis

    Try paying attention and learning to think, troll.

  6. 1 day ago on Michael Ramirez

    First of all, the Palestinians are trying to use the same argument – so why aren’t you lambasting them? “We were here in 1947! You stole our land!” They in fact only began calling themselves ’Palestinians" in 1967 as a political ploy to look as if they had been there for eternity. Just another lie on their part. Countless populations (including the ancient Jews) have lost land through conquest and wars – and they all either accept the new owners or they move away and start a new life.

    The Palestinians have been holding onto their keys for 75 years insisting that THEY have a right to the land, despite the fact that it was lost specifically because they decided to attack Israel. If they hadn’t attacked, they might still be living on that land: THOSE PALESTINIANS WHO DID NOT FIGHT AGAINST ISRAEL ARE STILL LIVING THERE – AS PALESTINIAN Arab ISRAELI CITIZENS. They make up 20% of the Israeli population, and they have more rights and freedoms than any Arab in any of the surrounding Arab states! So whose fault is all this if it isn’t the Palestinians’ own?

    THIS REGION HAS ONLY ONCE BEEN AN ENTIRE STATE – and that is when it was part of Biblical Israel (Kind David et al.)Otherwise it was just a part of others’ Empires.The Jews, Christians, Muslims, Samaritans and Druze were ALL living in the region under the Turks until 1918 when it became a British mandate.The Brits used 3/4 of that land to create Jordan – land that they had originally promised the Jews – as it included all of the Biblical sites which had been a part of Jewish culture for 3000 years.They ceded the rest to League of Nations, which created TWO states, Israel and Palestine which the Arabs refused but the Jews accepted – so Israel is a totally LEGAL entitiy in the region according to international law. The genocidal Arab attacks since even before Israel existed are what are illegal.

  7. 1 day ago on Scott Stantis

    You state: "Yes, Hamas fights dirty. That does NOT mean it’s appropriate to fight dirty “back”.

    You are being naive; Hamas is totally evil.

    They do not care if what they do is criminal, and in fact the world keeps pressuring Israel, NOT HAMAS – because the world expects more civilized behaviour from israel than it does from Hamas. This is folly.

    Albert Einstein was a strong believer in non-violence for most of his life. Until the Nazis; he recognized that non-violence simply meant letting them win, and that was NOT an option.

    Therefore, humanitarian sensibilites are out of place when fighting groups such as Hamas. Which is prefereable -keeping your humanitarian ideals – or WINNING?If Hamas wins, those humanitarian ideals will disappear forever. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to fight evil with evil… but for a good purpose. If you can’t understand that, thenyou are in denial.

    Here is the title of an excellent video on Youtube which this app refuses to allow me to send the link for; Go on YouTube and search for: Why Anti-Israel Activists Can’t Admit They’re Wrong “- Melanie Phillips

  8. 1 day ago on Robert Ariail

    Two comments about this: the idea or Hamas returning all the hostages on Oct 9 was apparently contingent on the caveat that Israel NOT enter Gaza. In other words, it meant letting Hamas get away with NO sanctions for having already tortured and killed more than 1200 people… with the capacity to do so again. A completely unacceptable trade-off. So attributing all of this to Netanyahu thinking ONLY about himself is probably highly unfair (and I do NOT like Netanyahu but at least let’s be honest.)Hamas also said (later on) that they would release all the hostages in exchange for Israel releasing all its political prisoners. Israel should never have agreed to allowing ANY prisoners to be released in exchange for hostages. It guarantees MORE hostages later on, because Hamas follows NO rules except doing whatever is necessary to WIN. Israel needs to take that same position – or it is fighting with one hand behind its back.It should have considered the hostages as collateral damage and told Hamas that NO prisoner swaps would be accepted.Example: In WWII the Brits finally broke the Enigma code and were able to determine what the Nazi high command was planning.They realized that a British Naval convey was about to be attacked by submarine.They could have alerted the convey and saved many British lives. They did not. They allowed the convoy to be destroyed, as saving it would have alerted the Nazis to their Enigma Code having been broken. They would have stopped using it for sending top secret information.By NOT saving the convoy, the Brits could conttinue receiving information that would help them plan D-Day. Winning a battle was less important than winning the war!So collateral damage must be accepted if one is intent on WINNING!

  9. 1 day ago on For Better or For Worse

    Easier just not to have children! heh heh… And as a child I never created that kind of problem, and toilet seats were NEVER put down way back then… We all survived – even the toilet! As for acting civilized, strange how women always think that what THEY want is the civilized way. This has nothing to do with “acting civilized”. It s all about power politics:“I need it DOWN… you have no respect for women”… which of course is not only illogical, but anti-equality, because a man could reply with just as much veracity: “I need it UP – you have NO respect for men.”

  10. 3 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Are you for real? The entire narrative of the youth of today is based on a world view where everyone is divided into oppressor/oppressed. This has devolved into ridiculous narratives like the supposed "cultural appropriation by (of course) “white colonialists” so that – for example – only a Mexican has the right to wear a sombrero for Halloween. Haven’t you been listening to ANYTHING the Woke PC student culture tries to pawn off on the world as “progressive thinking”? It all comes from a Marxist/Leninist class-struggle mentality seeing Israel as a colonialist, white, European state taking indigenous land from the “oppressed Palestinians”. The fact that those Jews were NOT colonialists but either immigrants or (in most cases) refugees from pogroms, the Holocaust, and (after 1948) the mass expulsion of 900,000 Jews from all the surrounding Arab states (an ethnic cleansing that nobody talks about!) – is THE EXACT OPPOSITE of the narrative the American students are taught incorrectly.UNtil 1947 NONE of that land “belonged” as a soveriegn state to the Arabs, it was conquered territory added on to a list of various Empires (Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman). The only original indigenous EMPIRE /KINGDOM in that areas was Jewish, in the time of King David and known as Israel, Sumaria and Judea (until the Romans re-named it “Palestine”).Who knew? NOT those being taught by Leftist professors in American universities.Just ONE example:942 – the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem went to visit HITLER to get his help in eliminating ALL Jews from the Holy Land. This was BEFORE Israel even existed. BEFORE the Nakba, the West Bank, Gaza, the Golan Heights, BEFORE Netanyahu or the Orthodox settlers in the West Bank. In other words, Palestinian leaders were already seeking the Genocide of Jews BEFORE ANY OF THE PRETEXTS USED BY THE PALESTINIANS NOWADAYS TO JUSTIFY THEIR OWN BARBARISM. Maybe you should spend some time learning factual history instead of Paletinian narratives?