Michael Ramirez for April 16, 2018

  1. 2b21f09a 63d7 4ad1 83a6 fdf4d8b30651
    Zev   about 6 years ago

    Whatever his sins were, Nixon wasn’t stupid. Dumb Donnie can’t say the same.

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  2. Picture
    Ontman  about 6 years ago

    Luckily for Mueller Trump had Syria to bomb.

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  3. Missing large
    Vidrinath Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Once someone becomes president (either party) they seem to lose touch with average Americans on a range of issues. Not always the same issues, not always the same extent, or the same time during their presidency….but it happens. In addition there is always some fraction of the population that reinforces whatever idea an out of touch president has. The idea of firing Mueller has clear and obvious support from a vocal minority. I don’t know how to put odds on this happening but I’m certain its a % that odds makers would like to gamble on. Its extremely easy to picture a future press conference with the words “Nobody knew firing Mueller was a bad idea. Nobody!” It would certainly involve someone else being blamed (Sessions) and an agreement to put someone new and better “The best” back in charge of the investigation (Kushner).

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  4. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 6 years ago

    Republican presidents are always the worst crooks.

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  5.  chevy
    Lyman Elliott Premium Member about 6 years ago

    @CHEV.JAMES: Mueller along with Rosenstein and Comey, are all part of a Democratic cabal that seeks to unseat a duly elected President. Rosenstein, Mueller and Sessions all need to go.

    Let me see if I have this straight, Rosenstein, Mueller and Sessions are all Republicans and Comey has been a registered Republican for most of his life but has recently described himself as unaffiliated. And we are supposed to believe they are all part of a Democratic cabal, suurrre they are. And if you really believe that Chev I have some lovely lake bottom land for sale at a good price, and a nice selections of bridges on special this week.

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  6. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Chev provides yet another example of Trump Disciples lying about EVERY issue.


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  7. Frank
    Frankfreak  about 6 years ago

    Hey Radish, Did you see that person trying to do comedy after your post, but did not have a punch line.

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  8. Img 0048
    Nantucket Premium Member about 6 years ago

    The pardon for Nixon, Reagan getting away with “I don’t recall” about Iran-Contra, Bush 43 administration violating the Geneva Convention which should have been called war crimes – these all led to the current resident of the White House thinking he can do anything and get away with it.

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